
Последние комментарии DiGiCyber011

61) WELUVアニメ G I R L S DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 12.11.2016 21:22
& oh boy
what do u know
the community is crawling with cancer

62) Lulu repairs the Holy Grail War DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 0) | 08.11.2016 11:17
the disappearing fx looks really bad for me
not only that , but spamming it killed the whole mood for me
the cc could be much better personally , i personally didn't find the story that big of a deal too but overall the video isn't bad either
i would give it 3

63) Kill Who? DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 08.11.2016 11:11
the best of gab's works
definitely 5

64) Destiny DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 1) | 08.11.2016 11:09
& here we go again with shared a 2 years old vids , i really wanna know why it wasn't published in that time ??
PS : just wondering , i don't mean anything

65) Красная Селёдка DiGiCyber011 | (4 | 2) | 08.11.2016 10:49
& finally a gift from the lord of editing himself ;-;
5 with no second thought ;-;

66) Otherside DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 3) | 30.09.2016 16:52
gud stuff dylan , finally a good drama clip since quite a while

67) Supremacy DiGiCyber011 | (3 | 4) | 23.09.2016 12:07
surouf ce zik là
bien jouée mec ;)

68) Ojo no Ansatsu DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 06.09.2016 17:01
nekroz98 написал(а):
10 Place?
Congratz digi :)

omg , stop stalking me already ._.

69) Magic Inner DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 0) | 02.09.2016 20:23
nice job nico :)
glad to see this in here :)

70) Domestic Violence 8090 DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 28.08.2016 00:00
FarmXD написал(а):

Gintaman, episode 100. You got me.

even before that ep though but yeah :p it's in gintama anyway :)

71) Vacuum Eyes DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 1) | 27.08.2016 14:49
pas mal

72) Domestic Violence 8090 DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 27.08.2016 13:47
domestic violence xD
the name really reminds me of gintama XD
sad things that u didn't used it but nice stuff :p 4

73) Ojo no Ansatsu DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 23.08.2016 23:25
Daremokirishinai aruka ??

74) Ojo no Ansatsu DiGiCyber011 | (3 | 4) | 23.08.2016 20:42
L33tamv написал(а):
Soo much serious talk but in the end it doesn't even matter

looks like u're the type that never learn from how much slap u got in public after all hein ? i already told ya , be useful with yer comment or never give me yer thoughts
never speak as if u're a participant in here anyway

75) Ojo no Ansatsu DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 2) | 23.08.2016 12:48
Lucifer@MV написал(а):
great job digimon ;)

Dennis plzz why here ;-;
& thnx for yer opinion as well as everyone ^^

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