
Последние комментарии Cour

31) Love³ Cour | (0 | 1) | 02.08.2013 06:49
I liked it, although some parts were a little boring but overall not bad.

32) Facepalm Arithmetic Cour | (1 | 0) | 31.07.2013 23:45
Good work, it is very nice to see:)

33) OK.Dream ver2.0 Cour | (1 | 0) | 24.07.2013 20:50
In the list of anime used lack Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Campione!

34) Devotion Cour | (0 | 0) | 24.07.2013 20:33
A video that has a very good story and the atmosphere is agrabale, achievement combine romance with history of emotions in every part of the video. But technically you can improve but overall it's amazing :)
A great job.

35) ShuriK-ON! Cour | (0 | 0) | 21.07.2013 21:02
A clean and cool video, nice to see that style Luciole changed anything, very well.

36) Machiavellian Music Cour | (0 | 0) | 20.07.2013 03:28
Nice mike!

37) Our Promises Cour | (2 | 0) | 19.07.2013 18:06
Drikejke написал(а):

This is far from being Umika style, the song may be similar to which she used but only because it is the same group, the video is good but I would not say it's the same style as Umika :)

38) Te Gusta Me? Cour | (0 | 0) | 17.07.2013 20:23
denismax написал(а):
Что-что, простите? Автор этого клипа близкий друг, что-ли?
Хотя пора уже привыкнуть к тому, что с клипами соулсов сюда приходят целая прорва "ooosom", "big very cool and fun" и все такое прочее... но все равно забавляет... А вот сравнение с логикой даже зацепило:)
Клипу 4.
Вообще, как-то пресен в этом году получился кон, да и всегда слабоват, когда в нем нет либо "по-настоящему именитых авторов зарубежных" либо просто наших. По правде говоря, я, будучи не согласен с 1ым местом, задумавшись, понял, то мне попросту некого на него поставить взамен... просто такой уж кон получился, что первая 5ка клипов одинаково неплохи, но далеко не шикарны.

Well you have many real points, in what looks like is in some parts of 0:36, are similar but are not on the same level (so to speak)

39) Te Gusta Me? Cour | (1 | 0) | 17.07.2013 06:04
Very good, this amv me reminds to ty logika 2 by Gidra. The work is very good and is fun.

40) Feel the Mambo Cour | (0 | 0) | 15.07.2013 03:38
Every time I see it lifts my mood

41) Magic Pad Cour | (1 | 0) | 15.07.2013 03:31
It's as if each of your videos could feel the emotion of each of the scenes, this is definitely my favorite AMV by Nostromo. 5

42) Islander 2 - Helvetios Cour | (1 | 0) | 15.07.2013 00:30
One of the most original video One Piece of all, one of my favorites in the JE

43) RoCk'NRollaZ Cour | (0 | 0) | 12.07.2013 18:47
Has a good combination of animes and montage is very good, but sometimes loses the sync or the lip sync, but in my opinion if deserves the first place.

44) Say U Stay Cour | (0 | 0) | 12.07.2013 05:51
The texts are not difficult to follow although sometimes bother, but overall it is an amazing job.

45) M.A.tsuri Cour | (0 | 0) | 12.07.2013 05:46
It's quite nice and has a good selection of scenes

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