
Last comments Canbyaboy

16) 魔 性 舞 者 - HypnoDancer Canbyaboy | (3 | 0) | 11.06.2020 18:54
Encruzio wrote:
Видеовставки с реальными людьми кажутся лишними. Нужно было держать весь клип в аниме стиле. Хотя делайте как нравится. В творчестве нет ограничений.

No one suggested doing this, just blindly special effects, card points and transitions are too boring. The audience would like to add some new elements, and I'm happy with them.

I translate my words through Google. I don't know if the meaning is expressed accurately. sorry.

17) Dysfunction Complex Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 08.06.2020 14:26
i like it

18) Napoleon Bonaparte Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 12.04.2020 21:53

19) Do you know how I spent these five years? Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 24.02.2020 14:56
олух царя небесного wrote:
Вцелом понравилось. Продолжительсть клипа на мой взгляд удачная, однако для подобного хрометража момент с 0:59 по 1:20 вышел чересчур длинным. В используемом миксе исходников просто обязаны были найтись подходящие кадры, которые бы можно было чередовать.
- why so sorry?

Because you're an otaku

20) Queen Canbyaboy | (2 | 0) | 28.07.2019 12:04

I like this clip. It lets me watch Akagami no shirayuki. 5/5

21) Waht??????????????? Canbyaboy | (5 | 1) | 21.11.2017 03:58
VideoBeats wrote:
This made me smile xD GJ not many AMV's nowadays are able to achieve that


Amv here has become more and more boring. I follow this website from 2010 and share a lot of videos here to bilibili.com. People started to like it very much, but afterwards, there was less and less of what was shared here. Because too many people focus on more things, such as technology, special effects, rhythm, or say a story. And forget the most basic happiness.
This video I've got 120000 views, 12000 people collection. But other videos here in bilibili are hard to get good reviews. You are becoming more and more closed, which is really bad for a website.
By the way, I'm Chinese, these are google translation, if you do not understand, sorry.

22) 婕纶二重奏 (Part I) Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2016 22:03

23) Swivel Canbyaboy | (1 | 0) | 30.04.2016 16:19

24) Bitch I Just Got Out Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 29.02.2016 16:38

25) Fantastic Anime Machine Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 24.02.2016 17:49

26) Fairy Sky Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 17.06.2015 03:51
LIA wrote:
Тепленко-ламповенько :)
You've made a good evening for me. Thx :)

I'm glad you like it, I almost feel like I'm in the wrong place. Last year, I loop the Unholy, it is great

27) Fairy Sky Canbyaboy | (0 | 0) | 05.06.2015 02:20
SilentMan wrote:
. А плохое качество некоторых исходников и некачественные маски, порой, слишком уж бросались в глаза, так что работа выглядела грязной.


I can not find better than this of videos. I just want this to make memories or memorial. So, finally, I accept that this footage.
In fact, I liked it better.


But as a souvenir Miyazaki. I think this is acceptable.
Topics Important than the screen.

28) Mirror of Memories Canbyaboy | (1 | 0) | 03.06.2015 12:03
very clear story, I like the end,Good work 5

29) Quentin Canbyaboy | (0 | 5) | 31.05.2015 11:58
cool animation

30) O-Ho! Canbyaboy | (1 | 0) | 18.03.2015 12:27
Darksss 73 wrote:
Зачем,почему,нахрена???делать такое.
У автора нет вообще креатива .
Берётся Adobe Photoshop, делается значок(типа C-TV),берётся Adobe After Effects, делается строка как внизу в начале клип, прописываем всё что нужно(музыка-видио).
Далее... делаем нарезки со всех серий и тому подобное .
Синхрим - монтажим.
Вставляем значок C-TV в дальний правый угол.
ВСЁ, своя работа, дае*атся не к чему,эпик, сиди довольный и не парься.
Но нет,надо выложить это тяп-ляп и думать что это прокатит.
Два, садитесь мистер Canbyaboy, лень вас уважает.

anno told me that he was going to redo this amv....This is not a amv, it's just a modified clips, some proposed changes on the rhythm, and other things, but I think this modification is also very interesting, so just upload.
Your good these comments and I will convey to him....

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