
Последние комментарии Bean780

Количество комментариев за все время: 62, за последние 3 месяца: 32 (51.61%)
Положительные оценки 9 (81.82%)
Отрицательные оценки 2 (18.18%)
Количество положительных комментов 6 (9.68%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 1 (1.61%)
1) Paramnesia Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 01.06.2024 02:43
you did a great job with this.

2) Anger Management Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 27.05.2024 09:32
you did a amazing job. One exception 1.30 minutes-1.52 minutes, I am not sure exactly why you you decide to go that way. my best guess is you misinterpret "skin your ass raw" too literally instead of the actual definition of a 'going to get you' type of expression coming from meat processing. because the rest of the spot on. I gave it 5 still giving the benefit of the doubt because I have definitely been on the other side of the translation wagon. but like I said you did such a great job in keeping everything on point.

3) anta_baka Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 27.05.2024 09:22
you did a good job showing the slippery road from stardom to afterwards,chasing a gone by dream. good job.

4) Something cool Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 24.05.2024 10:26
MesoGear написал(а):
У клипа получается создать прикольный около фановый вайб, но по подбору материала - это на 80-90% экшен, так что тут фан постольку-поскольку, возможно текст трека смешной, но я так на слух не выкупаю. Долбит прикольно, но хотелось бы меньше рандома.

it is text to the track. and I am not completely sure how someone would really translate this considering it is a lot of a pop culture references. I feel like there are some some transition things that need to be addressed but you did do a good job. it is not to my personal taste but you did a good job.

5) Realising Shura Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.05.2024 01:36
Klertrol написал(а):
Bean780, you can do better. You have more or less good work. This is for example : Dancing the Night Away. If you don’t strive to get right into the rhythm, then at least stretch out the shots longer. There is no need for these fast “25 frames” if they are still out of rhythm. There is no need to add them unless the rhythm demands it. Do not rush. Leave only the most important fragments from the anime and build the overall picture from them. And so that some clear sequence can be traced in this.

ya, originally versed one had almost exclusively him getting the device. some of those scenes seem a little rushed but I got scared people were going to be boring even if decently edited it was mostly one scene with the exception of that ghost scene. (technically the bullying scene was also in there) funny thing that scene scene people point out (the aeroplane) was actually the thing that caused me to begin reediting this. (with a transition) granted it was the situation that this video got past three times if I am not publishing it now when. I guess I at least have from what I can tell (due to the new rules not because of originality) the first non-Japanese sourced video.

Anyway the subtitles are out srt ones kind of got a little messed up in the Russian since everything that was on the top row and it up on the bottom. (The dialogue was on the top) but better than nothing since the first few comments were basically what was going on. this is a lyric based video,if you have the ability to use ass I recommend it and I am super thankful for the assistance I got to put the subtitles after publication. also thank you for all the comments, I do take them into consideration when fixing up videos.

6) Realising Shura Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 19.05.2024 07:38
Klertrol написал(а):
На протяжении всего видео мою голову занимало только то, что эта песня очень-очень мне знакома и где-то я давным-давно её слышала. Сразу поняла, что этот оп какой-то, но я вообще впервые его вижу. А по поводу видео... если оно должно было как-то пересказать историю, то оно вообще с этим не справляется. Из космоса летит неопознанный объект очень незамысловатой' формы, да ещё и с сюрпризом внутри, который с сюрпризом внутри. И, походу, при приземлении дарует пацану чары в воплощении браслета. С сюжетом этого мультсериала я знакома очень поверхностно и знаю о нём только благодаря рекламе его мерча, которую давно крутили по тв. В общем, тут слишком много отведено времени бумажному самолётику. Чё-то важное для сюжета, видать. Некоторые непонятные кадры появляются на пару секунд и тут же исчезают. А ещё видео заканчивается на очень позитивной ноте: сестру главного героя похищает какой-то зелёный муравей, а ехидный братка наблюдает за этим с Земли и ещё пальцем кажет. Конец.


И, как бы бин ни старался сделать "обратную синхронизацию", злосчастные кадры, падлы, иногда всё-таки попадали в музыку.

Предыдущее видео было получше.

that is actually her reuniting with the main character Ben. as shown in multiple settings including the previous scenes the watch has him change form.
Klertrol написал(а):
Ладно. Сейчас меня ожидает 5:31 незабываемых минут.

I thought that was a bug on my computer because when I went to the end it was dark. The video ends at 5:04 See I moved everything around when I was putting the poem in and I must have forgotten to delete the bottom recording bar thing and it was put at the end of the video by mistake. at least it does not affect the contents of the video itself. (I did the last stuff between 3-5am) but I made sure the contents were done with care. (The poem was in a different project folder (original connected with the 2021 downloaded version) as I think I mentioned, I also resized a few times (540p is not a automatic setting but I have a aspect ratio list of popular ones) to make it look the best which is why I probably got careless towards the end)

7) Realising Shura Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 18.05.2024 22:31
ActiveNoise написал(а):
Вот эти все звуки из исходника - зачем? В большинстве они лишние. Я даже не досмотрела...

Because they were connected to an earlier draft. as I mentioned above the soundtrack was connected with the project and nothing was able to be removed only added. I was kind of into that having many dialogue stuff back when I was 16. granted the another world poem was added later because I felt it fit the moment I heard it.

anyway hopefully the Russian subtitles will be added I sent them out last night. maybe then everything would be more understandable. The English subtitles are currently available for download it can be put into VLC. I am not sure why it is not playing on the player in website.

8) Finish Line Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 17.05.2024 00:35
there needs to be a improvement in transitions particularly when the concept is just action shots. there are a few types of videos but in this case 2 are important. videos that explore a thing and pure action transition. some of these shots if it was a song that had more than three main lyrics I would overlook but since we only have action to focus on it is less overlookable. 3

at the same time you definitely have promise.

9) Lifeline Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 30.04.2024 10:16
you did a great job, I never saw this show but you made it cool.

10) Warbling 2 Bean780 | (2 | 0) | 26.04.2024 08:53
you did a amazing job on this. I cannot believe you somehow got no comments. (particularly since this is a contest video)

11) The Color Violet Bean780 | (2 | 0) | 24.04.2024 03:11
I like this video a lot I love how you organized everything along with the flashing special effects to fit the 'cyber theme'. I also enjoyed that you were not afraid to use voice overs from the actual show. this is not even the genre of music I mostly enjoyed that much but I enjoyed your video. I have to admit I was nervous considering how many Cyberpunk (as in the show) videos are being released right now (something over the years I considered pretty rare within the last decade for a single show to get used in more than one 'single show' video) but you somehow made it your own.

12) Defying Fate Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 24.04.2024 03:03
you did a good job putting the flashbacks in the middle of the action. I loved this video.

13) Fighting For. Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 22.04.2024 11:37
this was perfect. I loved every moment of it. I would say most will put more transition but it did not need it because you did a great job editing it and making it make sense.a good amv makes you feel something and this made you feel. One thing that was timed weirdly was the fire burns but I understand getting one thing timed wrong so everything else is timed right definitely that's only in the video in which she would basically have to edit the whole video to retime it.

in terms of what you said about the first video in the note it seems based on quick glance you made it before season 3. I put it here assuming you will curious and that is why you put in the note. I doublechecked because I was not 100 percent sure if all of the scenes were not from season 3 but it seems that all those scenes were also season 2.

14) Queenslayer Bean780 | (1 | 0) | 22.04.2024 11:12
it did take a second browse through (after a complete first watch) to get it but once I got it it was good.it was very enjoyable even in the first watch I just had trouble keeping track of everything because surprisingly even though the majority of my videos are Sailor Moon (I am surprised it has not become a running joke) I never finished the last season. anyhow you did a great job with the lyrics, I really enjoyed the puppet scene. I feel they were too many transformation scenes/singular stock battle scenes. (there is a battle combo scene in one of the openings from original which is why I specify) I get you were limited by possibly just the movie which would not have a bunch of metaphorical eye-catching scenes as my limitation of a bunch of openings but I will definitely say it was noticeable. I feel since this is supposed to be a story style from what I can tell that needs to be a few more scenes with the villain Galaxia to round it out. still you did a great job and I am mostly being particular. nice to have another sailor moon editor.

15) Whispered Beads In Smoke Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.04.2024 10:48
oh I will try to fix that labelling of this song (forgetting to put the musician) but that involves going through administrative channels. I was rushing since I knew the person was on since I got another version of this video approved less than a minute before deleting it. (but I forgot to crop some areas and I added the subtitles) I actually paste this from where I make the credits which is why it has the title of the song. since usually you put the title of the song and the musician on separate lines. like I said I will try to fix it but it will take a few days for it to be updated. (I am actually dealing with going to the eclipse right now which is happening in the USA.) thank you for pointing that out.

Leberate написал(а):
Автор, вас поучить как делать липсинк? хд
Качество видео просто бесподобное, я не тот человек который докапывается до разрешения, но это точно не 540р, или это оно но многократно пережатое.
Экшн я могу увидеть, но всего остального попросту нет, извините но в этом нет смысла и какой либо смысловой нагрузки (возможно это есть только для вас), в таком случае могли бы выбрать исходник посвежее. Подбор кадров кстати хороший(редко). б/о

originally it was paired for the lines"somebody somebody" but found over time it worked other places though this time I did increase it by 1 Percent. it took up too much time to remove (since I have to find something that will try and fill the timeslot they will likely not be the exact same time.) but it was still longer than what was needed at that moment. though I would definitely appreciate any tips you have lip syncing.

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