
Последние комментарии Ardamaeus

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1) Waking Summer Dream Ardamaeus | (2 | 2) | 18.09.2014 13:56
I did the vanishing and appearing scenes in Adobe Photoshop, and I reversed some of the clips to show a different story/ending than the source material. I hope that some realized that not only did he vanish, but the girl had lost her memories of their time together as well, thus the ending where he vanishes and she looks back to find no one there.

She sees him only in her dreams, but she begins daydreaming in real life just to be with him, therefore "waking dream." I made the reason why he cannot touch her seem like some sort of "curse" placed on him, but this is different from the source material. Her hand touching his at the end is also different from the source material. I manipulated a few things from the 45 minute movie the source came from to make my own story XD. Thank you for the comments so far.

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