
Последние комментарии -Cross-

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1) Spike - Codename 42 -Cross- | (0 | 0) | 13.05.2010 23:05
I'm sorry, I have not answered to comments since long time ... Let's go ^^

Anya_Angina , it's truth, the music is very boring in this vid, but I haven't ideas on an other song =/. Thank's for your comment ^^.

Rejdzi, I had the time for finish my amv but I am a lazy (it's a big problem in the life XD). I know that if I had taken more time, I will have to do a better encoding and betters effects (this sentence makes pretentious XD). And I recognize my vid is very boring after a moment =/, sorry ...

For the others, thanks for your comments, I take your criticism into account

2) Spike - Codename 42 -Cross- | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2010 18:12
trampler написал(а):
what the crappy filters you used that so to damage a video? nice clip and perfect edit, but these aliased edges are just awful. can you render non-effects version?

Sorry for the quality of my amv, during the construction of my vidéo, I have forgot a avisynth filter and I have applyied my effect ... . I have reencode but it's not better =/.
I will try to make a better encode.

W_aZZa написал(а):
На лицо явный переконтраст. Нифига атмосфера на Хитмана не похожа - тут сплошное месиво и файт, в Хитмане - тёмный силуэт в тёмном углу, мелькнула удавка, приглушённый звук падения тела. Вообщем тема труЪ ассасинов не раскрыта.
Пересмотрел два раза, общей идей так и не заметил - просто понравившиеся экшен сцены из исходника.

I understand, but it's difficult to put an idea in a video. I have not the technical. I have tryied but it's not a success.

Thanks DickHead for to defend my vid :), I am happy that you like my works ^^ .

AnimeZiya написал(а):
имхо, ибо восприятие у всех разное. Клип конечно хорош, с синхрой вроде все в порядке, но мне уже на середине хотелось выключить, и оставшееся время я думала - когда там уже концовка? но конечно, клип не плохой.

It's a big problem in my vids overall... I don't take a risks and the watchers have the impression to look an identic vid during 3minutes ...
I will try to change this point for my next amv ;).

Yeah, I have the gaurry comm's =D.

3) Galaxy Pad - The Magic Bounce -Cross- | (0 | 0) | 07.07.2009 17:00
It's very funny the reaction of other amv makers in this website, 3.36 on 5 for this amv ... Why ? Because it's not Auriga or Magic Pad, no opening, girls with exorbitant eyes and Loli ...

This amv is not a dump, is very interesting because Limit Cycle was explored with an other vision, more simple, more restful ... Yes it is not a habitual Nostromo's creation and then ? For me is very good this discover different style in the work of a single video's creator.

For me, this clip deserve 4 on 5. The work is not very fantastic, on the one hands the atmosphere is not very convincing, the scene are very long and boring. On the others, the rythmique is good, very good, no error in this montage, is very clean. The rapport Music/anime is strange at the beginning although in fact the relation is subtle.

But good, is not upbeat style, it is psychedelic, is not interesting here I think. It is true that we prefer the style here Loli .

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