
Last comments Shinzui

1426) Трейлер Strike Witches Shinzui | (1 | 1) | 20.07.2012 03:17
This was quite an interesting video. Great video 5

1427) The Chronicles of Tomoki Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 19.07.2012 10:46
This was quite interesting. 4

1428) High Correction Shinzui | (3 | 0) | 18.07.2012 04:25

1429) Devil's Fruit Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 17.07.2012 09:51
This was ok, could have improved on the voices and the story. I've seen better, but nice effort. 3

1430) PSG - Millionare Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 22.06.2012 12:41
music was bad and ending was terrible

1431) Scars of Romance Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 22.06.2012 03:59
Well I thought that this was really good. 4

1432) Renewal Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 22.06.2012 03:55
Its ok, but didn't really like the music, 4

1433) Killer Life "Part Two" Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 22.06.2012 03:52
You should watch the colors you put in an have it to be in sync with the theme. 2

1434) Counter Strike Battle Shinzui | (0 | 2) | 19.06.2012 07:05
(This is actually pretty good) 5

1435) Architecht Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 10.06.2012 14:34
wow, amazing

loved it^^

1436) Shadows Shinzui | (0 | 3) | 05.06.2012 09:19
Good use of effects

1437) FIGHTERS - Save the Earth Shinzui | (1 | 1) | 03.06.2012 22:52
This is the best one I have ever seen

1438) BabyLOLex: Shlicked Shinzui | (0 | 0) | 01.06.2012 08:27
Thus is great^^

1439) N4 Shinzui | (0 | 5) | 16.05.2012 10:51
Great job

1440) Under ! Where ? Shinzui | (1 | 0) | 17.04.2012 06:57
Great job

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