
Exam videos
Papers Интервью с клипмейкерами от журнала ARRU Style Thursday, 11 October 2012

Если вы по какой-либо причине пропустили интервью с клипмейкерами, которые публиковались в различных номерах аниме-журнала ARRU Style в 2010-2012 гг., у вас появилась возможность наверстать упущенное. Теперь все интервью перенесены на и размещены в разделе статей, в формате отдельных публикаций.

Спасибо редакции журнала, а также журналистам-интервьюерам Silver Phoenix и Aldagmora за предоставленные материалы!

Интервью с Tanasa (журнал ARRU Style Special #1, май 2010)
Интервью с Kaito (журнал ARRU Style #11, ноябрь 2010) 
Интервью с EvilSpider (журнал ARRU Style #15, февраль 2012)
Интервью с Narutomaniac (журнал ARRU Style #16, май 2012)
Интервью с Padre (журнал ARRU Style #17, июнь 2012) 
Интервью с Gidra (журнал ARRU Style #18, июль 2012)
Интервью с Uk@r (журнал ARRU Style #19, август 2012)


New videos That Burning Sensation Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Author's comment: Only semi-character profile. I thought I'd try my hand at an action vid this time around since some of my earlier vids which had action in them were kind of weak and thought it was time to give it another try and see if I could do better. Was going to do a traditional hard-cut-only style of action video but then had some ideas for some special wipes in a few places. But I didn't get too crazy with the roto.

Author: Haunter103
Anime: Tiger & Bunny
Music: Raghav - Fire

That Burning Sensation


New videos When I'm Around You Tuesday, 09 October 2012

So this is yet another MEP that I hosted, just for fun. Added some friends and made it a 3 studio MEP AMV. I like the outcome overall, we enjoyed working together. Hope you guys enjoy, and thanks for watching. (:

Track#1 - EleryeAMV - Yosuga no sora
Track#2 - Shalyes - Sakamichi no Apollon
Track#3 - xDieguitoAMV - Rosario + Vampire Capu
Track#4 - [madaraxD] - Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?
Track#5 - xDreww - Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Track#6 - xXtokiovampireXx - Uta Prince
Track#7 - animAeAMV - Bakemonogatari/Nisemonogatari
Track#8 - Chained(E)Studio - C3/Itsuka Tenma no Kuro

Author: xDreww
Anime: Bakemonogatari , C³ , Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko , Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Kids on the Slope , Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? , Rosario + Vampire Capu2 , Uta No Prince Sama , Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone
Music: Calvin Harris - Feel So Close

When I'm Around You


New videos All to myself Monday, 08 October 2012

Фан по аниме Working.

Author's comment: Ok so it didn't take 10 months to make lol i was just too lazy and didn't want to upload but here is it o: hope you will like it :'3 if you want to know anything then ask o:

Author: Reba
Anime: Working
Music: Marianas Trench – All To Myself

All to myself


New videos N-EVER Saturday, 06 October 2012

This should have been displayed in Natsuno Con probably if I could finish the project a little bit earlier. Well, it's a time travel plot again being similar to Madoka Magika or Stein;Gate or many others... Also it's car accident again... Sorry for that, cause I got this idea a long time ago and didn't expect THAT masterpiece could ever adopt the plot ahead of me... As a result, those careless drivers are to blame.
Hope you guys enjoy this AMV.

Картинка Making Of к клипу.

Author: cheeseharry
Anime: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Evangelion.1.11 You Are(Not)Alone, Evangelion.2.22 You Can (Not) Advance, 5 Centimeters per Second, Mardock Scramble The First Compression, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Kara no Kyoukai, Steins;Gate, Hyouka, Eve no Jikan, PandoraHearts, Mawaru Penguin Drum, Kimi_ni_Todoke, Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Music: The Fray - Never Say Never



New videos Double Vision Friday, 05 October 2012

Author's comment: 11 weeks after your birthday, it's finally here! Late secretary is fail secretary. Happy Belated Birthday Boss! :3 I've had this idea since January for your birthday since I know you love this show :3 But then some issues came up and I was busy so I kinda forgot until later ;_; I did have a better concept but that was lost after a while and I decided that if I took any longer trying to figure it out this would never ever get finished. XD Hope you like it anyway! ^^
Special thanks to Distance, CodeZTM, MystykAMV and TritioAFB for beta testing! ^^

Author: AimoAio
Anime: World God Only Knows
Music: 3OH!3 - Double Vision

Double Vision


New videos Ge-No-Cide Thursday, 04 October 2012

ВНИМАНИЕ! Не стоит воспринимать всё происходящее в клипе всерьёз. Он сделан для лулзов.

Тут должна быть пафосная фраза на английском, имеющая отношение к клипу, но в голову ничего не приходит, кроме Kill for lulz и фраз из доты

Огромное спасибо Скволлу и ребятам из ДДР! Без вас было бы не торт (хотя возможно и сейчас не торт, но who cares?)
P.S. Do you wanna play a little game? В клипе есть отсылка к четырём клипам ДДР. Если вам нечего делать — попробуйте найти все.

Author: Engine of Death
Anime: Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu
Music: Marc Baril, Spiralmouth – Tire & Ice



New videos Blue Morning Wednesday, 03 October 2012

One of my older videos. As I've always loved Oren Lavie's 'Her Morning Elegance' I wanted to edit something with it. Even though I didn't watch Denpa, I thought the main character was cute enough to fit here. Actually, that was the first time I've ever used VDub for cutting scenes instead of converting everything to wmv^^. That gives you an image of how nooby it was.

Well, I hope you enjoy, anyway!

Author: Centurione
Anime: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Music: Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance

Blue Morning


New videos All Star Wednesday, 03 October 2012

Хотел сделать то, что понравится зрителям и поднимет им настроение на фесте. Успех. :}
В клипе нет ничего оригинального, простой фан. И этот фан мне доставляет, с удовольствием его пересматриваю.
Спасибо тестерам(Padre и Bill Ein).
 P.S. Приятного просмотра. :}

Author: Arma
Anime: Nichijou
Music: Smash Mouth - All Star
Awards: 3-е место и выбор зрителей на Хигане 2012

All Star


New videos End of the road Tuesday, 02 October 2012

Made in 2 days for a Iron Chef.

The story that the AMV tells it's about Kyon, a normal school student. He feels an odd presence (that would be Misaki) that grows more frecuent, to the point he meets her. Misaki takes the rol of ghost, so to speak. He is surprised because he recognizes her, then he tries to scape, although that's useless. The title "End of the road" makes reference to Kyon's life end.

Картинка Making Of к клипу

Author: SiK
Anime: Another, Suzumiya Haruhi No Shoushitsu
Music: Charlie Clouser - Shithole Theme
Awards: 1st Place at IC ZA 1st edition

End of the road


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