

New videos

Another One Friday, 08 January 2016

Yoooooo! Alors j'ai envie de dire enfin j'arrive à sortir un truc et mon clip préféré de moi qui plus est, actuellement. Donc pour la peite histoire j'avais rush Rakudai en vu de se clip j'me suis fais ce peit kiff en 4j mais par le plus grand des malheurs le projet c'est volatilisé le jour de la finissions. Donc ayant le seum à fond j'allais plaqué le projet quand pas mal de monde et surtout 2 (ils squat chez moi) m'ont permis de me remotivé donc big up à eux sinon pour en revenir au clip j'pense que c'est mon meilleurs il se chevauche avec kizuna fin bref j'vous soule,allez regardé le clip o/ !!!

Author: Redassaut
Anime: Rakudai Kishi No Cavalry
Music: OurLastNight - Reality Without Yyou

- Another One -


Deadpunch Thursday, 07 January 2016

Пародия на greenband-трейлеры фильма "Дэдпул". К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author's comment: Fan-made trailer parody of One-Punch Man to Deadpool trailer mashup.

Author: Rider4Z
Anime: One Punch Man
Music: Deadpool Trailer Audio Mashup



Shelter [2016 New Years MEP] Wednesday, 06 January 2016

Вот уже шесть лет под Новый год группа клипмейкеров во главе с xDreww собирается, чтобы выпустить новогодний MEP. Работы предыдущих лет можно посмотреть здесь: 20112012, 2013, 2014, 2015.

Комментарий авторов: Hello everyone, and...HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!!! I'm very proud to present for the 6th year in a row..the annual New Years MEP!! I still can't believe I've been hosting this for 6 years, which is why I just really need to thank all the viewers, and people that told me to not let this die, and keep on going. I want to give a big thank you to the editors that participated this year, the new editors to join for their first year, and to the editors that have been part of this project for years! You know who you guys are, I seriously can't thank you all enough, it means a lot to me.
Big thanks to AMVDealer for the awesome outro!
This years MEP we really focused on an actual concept, with a beautiful heart warming song. I'm very pleased with the outcome of this years MEP. One of my favorites. Thank you all for watching again this year, hope everyone enjoys! Happy New Year to everyone and be safe!

Author: MagicDarkLight, xDeuz, AMVLuna, Shinzo, Scofield, Noormuda, Strat, xDreww, BeautyxPain, AMVDealer
Anime: Guilty Crown, Charlotte, Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai, Soukyou no fafner, Aldnoah Zero, Shirayuke Hime, Kyoukai No Kanata, Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei, Hiira No Kakera, Munto
Music: Dash Berlin feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter (Photographer Remix)

Shelter - [2016 New Years MEP]


Hikari Tuesday, 05 January 2016

Комментарий авторов: First of all we would like to say Happy New Year everyone! We wish you all the best in whatever you plan to do this year. The world is yours! Secondly we wanna say happy birthday to our main chick EionAMV aka Alexo aka EternalDarkness aka Alexanderthesinger aka some other gay username, even though we SOME TIMES give you a hard time it is all love, boy. So, Happy Birthday! Kyoroichi wrote this heartwarming description, love me.

Author: Elerye, Ryuu-Dono, Kyoroichi, PIKAPIKA, Sms43, Cosmo, Ninetailsrox
Anime: Mix
Music: The Mowglis - Through The Dark



Give Me A Reason Sunday, 03 January 2016

Hello, here's my new amv. I really love this song, I got to know it thanks to my friend. In this video I tried to mainly focus on Yato and Hiyori because I think the song matches them very well. I hope you enjoy this amv :)

Author: Yuka770
Anime: Noragami, Noragami Aragoto
Music: ONE OK ROCK - The Beginning

Give Me A Reason


The Man Who Thought Much Saturday, 02 January 2016

Забавная история одного самурая, который много думал. Это финальная версия клипа-победителя Skirmish & Slots #3, которую пришлось ждать 2 с лишним года. Редкий пример простого и хорошего комедийного АМВ с авторским сюжетом, не завязанным на тексте песни.

Author: B@rs
Anime: Sword of the Stranger
Music: Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - Just Dropped In
Awards: 1-е место на конкурсе Skirmish & Slots #3: Blind Pick (2013), 1-е место на конкурсе Anime Factor 2013, 2-е место на конкурсе Танибата 2014

The Man Who Thought Much


Dark Paradise Friday, 01 January 2016

HI Hi! This is my entry for Enigmas Time 3rd Edition IC hosted by Eria Team last week, I wanted to edit a character profile focused in one of my favorite characters, Mine Fujiko. Hope you like!

Author: Z0rek
Anime: Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna, Death Parade, Grisai no kajitsu
Music: Lana del Rey - Dark Paradise
Awards: 1st place Eria Team IC: Enigmas Time 3rd edition

Dark Paradise


GEHIRNSTURMEN Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Is he a Saiko? Watch the video to find out! Watch in 720p in case of synchronization issues. 200 characters 200 characters 200 characters... Greetings to Lima, Peru.

Зеркало 1: Версия 1080p, 10bit, 60fps, FLAC

Author: lolligerjoj
Anime: Akira, Angel Cop, Animatrix, Barefoot Gen, Tales of Earthsea, End of Evangelion, Fist of the North Star, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Ghost in the Shell, Gyo, Haibane Renmei, Kara no Kyoukai, Karas, Mirai Nikki, Nekomonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Mononoke Hime, Mushishi, Nausicäa, Perfect Blue, Psycho Pass, Shigurui, Sky Crawlers, X, Hyouka, 5 cm per second, From Up on Poppy Hill, Lucky Star, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Genius Party Beyond, Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai
Music: Huoratron - New Wave of Mutilation



Be.A.Ts. Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The idea for the video came during the Iron Effects IC in 2015. I have been put in the category "Color" and found it challenging to make a romance video with a Nightwish song. To make this work out I had to make Nisekoi kinda darker than this funny and colorful anime actually is. Voila! The perfect entry for the color-effects category! :-)

Being >b>A Tsundere:
For fully getting into the concept of the amv and enjoying it, it is important to pay close attention to the story. I wanted to tell a story about how a tsundere behaves and how I thinks she feels inside behind her behavior. I also used the basic story of Nisekoi and put some scenes together that make Chitoge look like some "Alice in Wonderland" who needs to escape from her own stupid behavior. Accidentally that matches the song very well. Have fun!

Author: JadeCharm
Anime: Nisekoi
Music: Nightwish - Escapist



Shine Bright Monday, 28 December 2015

Author's comment: I jumped into the Secret Santa this year last minute but I'm so happy I did. This was for xtonina1981 who is SUPER GREAT AND NICE.

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Tamako Love Story!
Music: Echosmith - Bright

Shine Bright


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