

New videos

Survivor Wednesday, 13 June 2018

This AMV is the story of Yukihira Souma, a Chef that wants to reach the level of his father, for that he needs to overcome many obstacles in the way. This amv shows a big contest that takes place in 'Totski' Academy

Author: Alon
Anime: Shokugeki no Souma
Music: 2WEI - Survivor (Epic Cover - "Tomb Raider - Trailer 2 Music

[Shokugeki no Souma AMV] - Survivor


Deathigner Sunday, 10 June 2018

Продолжаем пополнять коллекцию сайта хорошими историями от азиатских авторов. Сегодня у нас суденческая короткометражка от группы начинающих аниматоров с Тайваня. Этому ролику уже пять лет, но к нам он добрался только сегодня.

EN: "A lot of mothers will do anything for their children, except let them be themselves."
― Banksy, Wall and Piece
A warm story about a little grim reaper who is lucky to have a great talent for fashion design. Made by a group of students from National Taiwan University of Arts, Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts

CH: 一隻極度不幸卻又極度幸運的小骷髏死神;一次不一定會發生卻非得發生的巧合;一個在冰冷冥界的溫暖故事。
小孩的潛力是無限的,愛他相信他,成全所有可能。國立臺灣藝術大學 多媒體動畫藝術學系

Author: Tzu-Hsuan Fei, Kuan-Tien Chen, Ke-Ching Chang, Ya-Chu Hsu, Li-Ying Fu
Anime: Original animation
Music: Michele Cheng - Deathigner OST



Deadpunch 2 Saturday, 09 June 2018

Всем привет. Наверняка все помнят клип по Ванпанчмену по трейлеру к первому фильму Дэдпула, так вот, я решил испытать свои силы на трейлере ко второму фильму. Это моя шестая работа, так что не будьте так строги, стараюсь выпрямлять свои руки от клипа к клипу. Всем приятного просмотра!

Author: Ruslan Feniksov
Anime: One Punch Man
Music: LL Cool J — Mama Said Knock You Out

★One Punch Man {AMV} Deadpunch 2★


Devil's hand Friday, 08 June 2018

Author's comment: Hey, at least I finished. This is my first serious experience at this IC...first and last LOL. I know this has a lot of mistakes but I'm too dead inside to care right now tbh .

Author: Bimyou
Anime: Kakegurui
Music: BTS (방탄소년단) WINGS - Boy Meets Evil

Devil's hand


Little Talks Tuesday, 05 June 2018

Author's comment: So I love this song and I have been wanting ti edit it for years. After watching and reading Clear Card it became clear that this had to be done to the new arc. The Nadeshiko reveal in the manga sealed the deal, though it was done differently in the anime, it still worked out. I might regret not waiting for the final two episodes but oh well! I will make ccs amvs to come XD

Author: Neko kitkat
Anime: Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card
Music: Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

Little Talks


Attack On Umaru !! #3 -The Beginning- Sunday, 03 June 2018

It has been a while since I uploaded any videos here , but I thought I can edit some small project since it summer .
I have some issues with importing videos into Ae for some reasons , will try to fix them first before going for something big, anyway , until next time .

Author: Jocker8Clz
Anime: Himouto! Umaru-chan
Music: Faux Tales - Atlas

Attack On Umaru !! #3 -The Beginning-


Slow Motion Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Author's comment: Short video I've made in less than 48h the last weekend for the latest IC hosted by AMVItaly. 

Author: Riku'
Anime: Violet Evergarden
Music: Illenium - Crawl Outta Love
Awards: 2nd place @Laziness No Limit IC

Slow Motion


SM*SH Monday, 28 May 2018

2 место в категории Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

До сих пор нет клипа на ньюсе, довольно странно... Один из запоминающихся экшонов на Soul's Team Iron Chef XIV.

Author's comment: Hey guys, I'm a bit late to the party should have posted earlier but i was wasting my time watching PSG losing to Madrid -_-  Anyway, it feels good to edit again hopefully next video in less than 2 years. Meanwhile here's my work for this IC, always fun to edit sum action vid. Enjoy.

Author: Dn@
Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
Music: DVSR - Endless
Awards: 2 место в категории Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef XIV



Shinrai Saturday, 26 May 2018

After a long time away from amvs I decided to make a little memorial to the old times passed, and whats better than a whored anime with a whored song? By the way, "Shinrai" means Trust. the whole tournament clings to the concept of trusting each other until the very last, greater the losses, the greater the load of trust towards you.

Author: LukeG
Anime: Dragon Ball Super
Music: Escape the Fate - This War is Ours (The Guillotine part II)



Tokino Kousa Wednesday, 23 May 2018

RU: Трейлер короткометражного фильма Tokino Kōsa. Короткометражка (наполовину анимация, наполовину живое видео) будет посвящена истории самого большого в мире пешеходного перехода, который находится в токийском районе Сибуя. Действие фильма начинается 10 000 лет назад.

EN: Trailer for a short Tokino Kōsa devoted to the world's larger pedestrian crossing in Shibuya, Japan. The story will start at the very beginning of Shibuya Crossing, that is, 10 000 years in the past.

Author: Yoshitoshi Shinomiya
Anime: Original animation
Music: NETWORKS - Unknown

Tokino Kousa


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