Начало раздела > Sentimental
Mudai 10.12.2015

Клип на песню Mudai (無題) группы Amazarashi. Видеоряд создан студией видеодизайна PH Studio совместно с аниматорами из фриланс-студии Yapiko Animation. Режиссер - Masaki Yokobe.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Amazarashi - 無題


Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 4.404.40
Автор: Masaki Yokobe

Himitsu 05.12.2015

Официальный клип на песню Himitsu группы A Crow is White (カラスは真っ白). Режиссер и аниматор - Wataru Uekusa, студент школы анимации Geidai (Токийский университет искусств).

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: カラスは真っ白 - Himitsu


Комментарии: 8 |  Рейтинг: 3.633.63
Автор: Wataru Uekusa

Keep Drawing 27.11.2015

В ожидании новых AMV посмотрим немного оригинальной анимации. Короткометражка Keep Drawing от независимой корейской анимационной студии Shelter Studio посвящена, как и следует из названия, рисованию - вдохновению, творческим порывам, взлетам и падениям. Для создания видеоряда были ротоскопированы движения живых актеров, при этом каждый кадр представляет собой уникальную картинку с новым персонажем. Хотя продолжительность работы всего-то чуть более минуты, покадрово ее можно рассматривать куда дольше.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Park Taejoon - Keep Drawing

Keep Drawing

Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 4.214.21
Автор: Shelter Studio

Shuryo 24.11.2015

Комментарий автора: I'm really attached to this project. I started it 2 years ago (October 2013) with Okill for a contest but I didn't manage to end it 'cause I found it too difficult for me. I'm glad I didn't finish it at that time because I don't think it could've been as good as now. Special thanks to my uaz friends, Nagi for the epic poster and to MysticBeard whom motivated me until the very end of it. Enjoy it if you can. Thanks ^^

Аниме: Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Музыка: Onlap - Whisper in my head


Комментарии: 24 |  Рейтинг: 3.843.84
Автор: Riku'

Hi no Ishi 19.11.2015

Комментарий автора: Yooo!!! Ça faisait un moment o/ Et donc voilà mon clip pour l'ic speedproof ; J'étais vraiment pas chaud pour le faire étant donné que j'galère déjà assez sur mon clip HxH, mais ayant check les sons j'suis tombé sur MoF, musique que j'écoute en boucle depuis un mois en pensant la clipper sur Naruto.. donc le choix fut assez rapide. Bref pas grand chose à dire, j'me suis vraiment éclaté, toujours aussi cool à clipper ce bon vieil anime. Donc en attendant l'ultime Setsujoku, je vous laisse donc avec Hi no Ishi !

Аниме: Naruto
Музыка: Magic of Life - Yowamushi na Honoo

Hi no Ishi

Комментарии: 20 |  Рейтинг: 4.034.03
Автор: Luciole

Heroes 08.11.2015

My Submission for Iron Effects 4 IC. I wanted to edit Rolling☆Girls since I saw the very first episode but never found a fitting song, thanks to whoever submitted it. Also thank you unkown taiwanese guy, your last minute seeding made this possible.

Аниме: The Rolling Girls
Музыка: Pegboard Nerds - Hero (feat. Elizaveta)


Комментарии: 22 |  Рейтинг: 3.843.84
Автор: Eazy

Something Fishy! 08.11.2015

Комментарий автора: Argh this has basically been done since the summer but i've been so like >> dissatisfied so i've been dicking around with it when i could between work and not doing anything productive. The vid is something that probably won't make a lick of sense without watching the series prior. it's just a reason for you to watch the series though, which is in fact my masterplan >8D But for srs it's a super cute series with so few videos for it. I just wanted to make something nice. Also the credits have guaranteed me a spot in hell but at least it'll be warm =3=

Аниме: Tsuritama
Музыка: Royal Teeth - Wild, South Park - Gay Fish

Something Fishy!

Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 3.763.76
Автор: Pieandbeer

Beyond Oblivion 06.11.2015

This collab has been made in 3 hard days for SpeedProof IC contest.
A person who doesn't know where he goes... is he dead? Why other persons can't see him? Who is that girl and why he feels that is different from others? he has to discover it for escaping from oblivion.

xDeuz: Thanks for watching Beyond Oblivion;) Made this Amv with dedication, I like it in many ways, but especially editing with Strat (Uge) to achieve the end result, I'm lazy and some people know that, but the music has been inspiring and motivating. Thanks gabberMD (Dani) to add the song to SpeedProof IC New Edition, Thtat's why this AMV is dedicated to you (Hug) See ya soon.

Strat: We had a lot of problems because our idea was very ambitious for an Iron Chef, but we could communicate it very well and thanks to it we avoided other complications. We had no time for a beta between us but that doesn't mean we didin't help each other finding scenes, preparing masks etc. The trust in ourselves was very important all the days. I took advantage of the IC for testing new stuff, so I'm very happy with all the result. Thanks to xDeuz I've could learn a lot in a low time, I won't forget this.

Аниме: Charlotte, Dekinai Watashi Ga, Kurikaesu, Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie In April
Музыка: Nightcall (ft. Dreamhour) - Dead V
Награды: Best Teamwork на Aeon Speedproof IC

Beyond Oblivion

Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 3.893.89
Автор: Strat, xDeuz

Lonely Souls 05.11.2015

My video for SpeedProof AEon IC. Tried to make the little story as clear as posible, but basically what I'm trying to show is that even in your hardest moment you can find someone in a similar situation to share your pain, and support each others.

Аниме: Welcome to the NHK, Ga-Rei -Zero, Colorful, Clannad After Story
Музыка: Sigur Rós - Ný Batterí
Награды: Best Overall и Best Drama/Romance на Aeon Speedproof IC

Lonely Souls

Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 3.973.97
Автор: xDieguitoAMV

Yin Yang Destiny 01.11.2015

Комментарий автора: With my second attempt at a romance vid I ended up showing a yin and yang type of relationship as they travel together. Came together quite nicely.

Аниме: Katanagatari
Музыка: A.R. Rahman, The Pussycat Dolls - Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny)

Yin Yang Destiny

Комментарии: 21 |  Рейтинг: 3.903.90
Автор: UnluckyArtist

Silentheart 31.10.2015

Как-то на днях нагрянуло ко мне в голову одно м/в, и настойчиво и неуклонно меня обуревало до тех пор, пока не была получена эта миниатюра. Спонтанная зарисовка одного состояния, которой не планировалось. Мини-клип для легкой разминки и настроения, чтобы разогнать по жилам застоявшуюся кровь перед тем, как приступить к проекту более трудоёмкому.

Аниме: Kigeki, Mushishi
Музыка: Chiaki Ishikawa - house


Комментарии: 13 |  Рейтинг: 3.713.71
Автор: Kimihairu

The Eyes 24.10.2015

独りぼっちじゃ - ないんだよ Support MAD of AniPAFE2015

Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Original animation
Музыка: Fat Prop - Close My Eyes

The Eyes

Комментарии: 14 |  Рейтинг: 3.693.69
Автор: hiroki_999

围绕你我的小小恋曲 18.10.2015

Простенький приятный клип, раскрывающий профиль персонажей. Приятного просмотра.

Аниме: Isshuukan Friends
Музыка: 周的 - 朋友


Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 3.793.79
Автор: Aru

AwwKward 10.10.2015

Комментарий автора: This has been a rather slow year for me on the AMV front and for that I apologize. I had all these big plans for new comedy videos for Otakon and such, and then I got a job in the industry, had to move back to LA and lost about half of my year (not that I am complaining lol ). I really wanted to get my act together for AWA Pro though, and so I made this video in a few weeks. Unfortunately I ran out of time and the version I submitted to Pro was a little less polished than I wanted it to be. But as soon as I got back I cleaned it up. And that's the version you see here. I really wanted to try tackling the romance genre again as I was unhappy with what I achieved with Maybe. Since this was the first AMV I have done in premiere that hasn't been under a crazy tight deadline I really wanted to explore the dynamic link between Premiere and After Effects, and experiment with motion and FXs to find the perfect balance between too crazy and just crazy enough. I think I succeeded and I am really proud of this video as a whole. I have a few more videos up my sleeve for the end of the year, and lots planned for next! Thanks for Watching!!

Аниме: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
Музыка: The Gregory Brothers - Herp De Derp


Комментарии: 23 |  Рейтинг: 4.184.18
Автор: VivifxAMV

Blue Spring 09.10.2015

Клип участник конкурса Souls Team IC 11

Комментарий автора: Such an original title. :D My goodness, it's been so long since I last edited. DX Though I am super proud of myself for finishing it in 72 hours. P.S. I'm late in uploading this cause I went back and fixed up some dodgy masks/camera movements/lip flap/bad quality scenes (except there's still like 34857345 glitches I can no longer be bothered to fix - just pretend you can't see them) and also added a few touchups. If you want to see the difference between this and the original I submitted to the competition, you can DL the original here:

Аниме: Ao Haru Ride
Музыка: Phoebe Ryan – Mine

Blue Spring

Комментарии: 9 |  Рейтинг: 4.034.03
Автор: AimoAio

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