The will of sacrificing oneself to win through hard working and teamwork because it’s not a real victory if you play as a solo player and there’s no one happy. The will to win to finally change the mentality of the opponents about teamwork, which is labeled by them as useless. Although Seirin fails the first time and lose the match against Touo, later on the two main characters Kagami and Kuroko face their demons again understanding the reason of their first defeat against their main opponent Aomine. They eventually fatigue themselves until their last dying breath, and this time they make it because they give it their all, leaving Aomine dumbfounded at his first defeat which leads to a meaningful change of his character and to his subsequent reconciliation with Kuroko.
In our collab we tried to depict this aspect of the story and we hope we succeeded in that.
Аниме: Kuroko no Basket, Kuroko no Basket 2
Музыка: UVERworld - 23 Words

Не понятно, зачем оставили разевающиеся рты.
И да,японский реп это что-то.
Такое же впечатление. А жаль, исходник крутой и потенциально на него эпик можно сделать, вместо таких от работ.
музыка -
исходник -
исполнение +
всё это вроде уже было -
история затянута -
Impact transitions help too.
Take my 4.
Больше не понравилось.
если ты любишь оценивать, смотреть и делать амв, то чаще должен обращаться к такой музыке в создание клипов, вот аниме ролик под русскую музыку это бред, а здесь все в пределах жанра.
anime version?