

There are serious spoilers in video!

PЯIDE (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): First of all shout out to this flawless human being for sticking with me untill the very end of this project because the Gods know how annoying I can be.It was an immense honour to work along with someone who I admire and I'm truly grateful for her support and infinite patience.

The main point of this video was to portray Saber as a merciless servant that would do anything to get the holy grail all to herself. Born in a time of chaos and war she's grown to be greedy for power, killing everyone who would stand in her way and consequently achieving nothing but piles of corpses of her enemies as well of those who blindly followed her in every step she took as a king. And so, summoned to the Holy Grail War she sees a chance to get power in her hands again willing to do whatever it takes to conquer what she desires even if it means playing a risky game with other people's and her own life at stake once more.

Centurione (Pro): I'm really glad this cutest derp ever asked me to be her pro. I really enjoyed working with her and really liked her as a person. About her editing and working on the video: I feel she has a much greater potential but she needs time to show it and I really hope this is not the end of her improvements. I only regret I didn't learn how to use AE so that I could help her with that, since I barely use it for my videos myself ^^'. Anyway, I'm really glad with the work Pride has done and I hope you enjoy it!

Anime: Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Mayo Chiki, Kingdom S2, Nisemonogatari, Kara no Kyoukai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Berserk - Golden Age, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sword of the Stranger, Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya
Music: Florence + The Machine - Seven Devils








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Author: (video created: 19.02.2014)
Submitted by: Centurione 20.02.2014 at 08:34
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Comments (67)
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C.C.   User profile
  20.02.2014 11:19
Оу,Сэйбр Альтер,круто круто
chetkostelu   User profile
  20.02.2014 11:14
По началу все было супер, в середине клипа приелись однообразные переходы, да и синхра подкачивать начала, тут либо видео ряд под музыку подтянуть надо было, либо вообщем выбирать более форсированную музыку.
В целом клип выглядит целостно и имеет сюжетную составляющую с эпичным финалом. (4)
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  20.02.2014 10:15
клип на пятерку, но есть моменты, которые лично я вижу по другому,неудачная синхра или подбор кадров местами. Но это мелочь. Концовка правильная.
Daru   User profile
  20.02.2014 10:08
М/в божественно, НО трек совершенно не обыгран. Автор совсем музыку не чувствует. Однообразные переходы набили оскомину уже после первой минуты. Сюжет разглядеть не смогла.
Из понравившегося - первые 25 секунд и с 3.15 и до конца, цк отличный. 4
TikiMik   User profile
  20.02.2014 10:07
Исходники не совместимы, смотрится пресно.
Roman_cat_Marcus   User profile
  20.02.2014 09:59
Default Avatar
Ну что, скажем привет призёрам.
Один из ингридиентов формулы успеха - правильный трек.
Not found   User profile
  20.02.2014 09:14
Стильная и красивая работа, ну не пройти мимо. 5.

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