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Author's comment: The story focuses on Mirai (the girl) and Rin (the boy) who were in a romantic relationship. However, something has happened that leaves them in very....different places. The whole video is about them trying to reconnect, but they are unable to see or understand each other. In addition, they must deal with their own struggles- Rin is a swimmer who overworks himself in order to forget about Mirai. Mirai is stuck in the afterlife and fights the monsters that a stalker controls and threatens Rin with in his world. She helps Rin overcome his obstacles and he returns to being a prestigious swimmer. It is then revealed that Mirai committed suicide several months ago, and her spirit has been protecting and trying to reach Rin. In the end, Rin comes to terms with her death.

Anime: Kyoukai no Kanata, Free, Kara no Kyoukai, Pandora Hearts, Gosick
Music: Paramore - Monster






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3.63 3.63 (241 vote)
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Author: (video created: 27.12.2013)
Submitted by: Minstrel 07.01.2014 at 11:26
3.63 3.63 (241 vote)
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Comments (36)
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Dm1try[A]   User profile
  07.01.2014 23:38
AniDubl   User profile
  07.01.2014 23:12
Красиво, четко и есть сюжет.

А насчет сюжета:
Че непонятного? Сюжет понятен. Каждый сражается со своими трудностями. Она скинулась с крыши еще давно, а все из-за того что ей было трудно в жизни, в конце показали как он у ее могилы был. Ну в описании куда понятнее написали.
Моя оценка 4.
Scittalec   User profile  Video channel
  07.01.2014 20:01
Such are sluggish colors... That's a pity
HoroakaKiba   User profile
  07.01.2014 14:19
красиво, но вот по части сюжета ничего, лично мне, непонятно. 4
KnightAmv   User profile
  07.01.2014 13:36
Great job mixing the anime, but the story got a bit hard to follow. The general idea is easy to follow but many scenes just didn't seem to have relevance to the story and were a bit random to me. Overall it was still a solid video.
Sandra_Da_Vinci   User profile
  07.01.2014 13:06
Удивил очень умелый кроссовер, если бы не знала что эти персонажи из разных аниме я и не догадалась. Но вот сюжет вышел очень сумбурным и не до конца понятным.

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