Index > Sentimental, Character Profile > Break Me Print

Break Me

There are minor spoilers in video

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2012

Выдержка из комментария автора: This one is a full hearted character profile (in spite of not having entered in that category at Akross...) The story is centered on the protagonist of the anime, Chihaya, her pursuit to become to best karuta player in Japan and the people she's being supported by. The anime plays with the thematics of facing challenges and overcoming oneself in quite a dramatic manner and I wanted to convey all of this in my video. My simple idea here was to depict Chihaya's devotion towards karuta and her loyalty to the people she's close to even though she might get hurt in the process (hence the title). This whole video was one big camera movement experiment for me. It was fun to play with them. Even if it made some people nauseous :3

Anime: Chihayafuru
Music: Vanbot - Make Me, Break Me

Break Me

Break Me

Break Me

Break Me

Break Me


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3.93 3.93 (215 votes)
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Author: (video created: 16.12.2012)
Submitted by: neko lover 25.07.2013 at 14:12
3.93 3.93 (215 votes)
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Comments (33)
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Disengager   User profile
  25.07.2013 14:42
Не плохой, приятный клип, однако под конец наскучил.
KEEREN   User profile
  25.07.2013 14:31
не фантан 4
krvc   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 14:20
М/В приятное. Спасибо за 2-05, хоть узнал что стало с парнем из Externalize.

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