Index > Level Up 2013, Drama, Sentimental > Harmonic Fall Print

Harmonic Fall

There are minor spoilers in video

Eake4 (Novice): Personally I believe Shinnie04 is one of the greatest editors of all time and I feel honoured to have worked on a project with him. Over the time we discussed through some concepts and the video features multilayered concepts which is viewed differently with individual audiences. Although we had to risk editing Shinnie's imagination has helped incredibly in the making of the AMV. I'm incredibly thankful for Shinnie to take his time to be my Pro.

Shinnie04 (Pro): Working on this AMV was somewhat of a risk but this was not at all due to Eake, as his skills and talents can be easily seen through the video. Personally I was very busy and short on time and I tried my best to provide enough feedback and advice. He has exceeded my expectations and although things felt rushed, it was truly fun and I look forward to the many more AMVs he has yet to make.

Anime: Animatrix, Guilty Crown, Hyouka, Angel Beats, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Fate/Zero, Genius Party, Oda no Nobuna no Yabou, Fate/Stay Night PS Vita Trailer, Bakemonogatari, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga shitai
Music: Film Noir - We are the Music

Harmonic Fall

Harmonic Fall

Harmonic Fall

Harmonic Fall

Harmonic Fall

Harmonic Fall


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3.79 3.79 (214 votes)
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Author: (video created: 18.02.2013)
Submitted by: Eake4 27.02.2013 at 08:16
3.79 3.79 (214 votes)
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Comments (41)
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Fate   User profile
  27.02.2013 16:15
Вторая работа, которая понравилась на конкурсе.
Astter   User profile
  27.02.2013 16:06
Бесноватая wrote:

Думала звук касячит на 2:00 минуте, оказалась песня такая необычная, а так не плохо сделано ^_^

Серьезно? Неужели и правда в оригинале такая жуть? Работа понравилась: атмосферно, в меру технично. Есть мелкие нарекания, но их можно и замять.
Dr Eeevil   User profile
  27.02.2013 15:19
In principle its nice but really random. I feel depressed that shinnie was short on time. You could have done way more guys.
Dattebayo   User profile
  27.02.2013 13:39
Концовка испортила клип, а ведь думал ставить 5...
OxyGen1   User profile
  27.02.2013 12:25
Песня все портит, имхо...
Эль-тян   User profile
  27.02.2013 12:06
Отличная атмосфера, особенно в начале, да и монтаж не плохой, всё чисто и аккуратно, приятно смотреть, твёрдая 5
VovanKoperativ   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2013 11:30
Good editing, i wish it wouldn't be random
Бесноватая   User profile
  27.02.2013 11:21
Думала звук касячит на 2:00 минуте, оказалась песня такая необычная, а так не плохо сделано ^_^
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2013 10:04
Not bad
Li_CooL_666   User profile
  27.02.2013 10:01
Да звук какой то кривой с 2:00...
Gigatless   User profile  Video channel
  27.02.2013 09:03
Громкость перекручена. У меня с 2:00+ страшные шумы пошли

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