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BetweeN MemorieS

Collab with my bro Darion (FutureAmvs)! made for Nightfire IC S2, hosted by Re-evo.

We try to show a guy who back to his natal city and start to remember the old time that he have with a girl, and also at sometimes we show the sentiments of that girl too. At the end some scenes are in reverse because we try to simulate like he is coming back to the present after remember all of his memories.

Anime: Beyond the Clouds, 5 Centimeters per Second
Music: Jason Walker - This City Never Sleeps
Awards: 1 место в общем зачете и Best Romance/Drama на Nightfire IC S2

BetweeN MemorieS

BetweeN MemorieS

BetweeN MemorieS

BetweeN MemorieS

BetweeN MemorieS

BetweeN MemorieS

BetweeN MemorieS


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3.99 3.99 (257 votes)
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Author: (video created: 02.08.2012)
Studio: Argen Team
Submitted by: [madaraxD] 10.08.2012 at 10:25
3.99 3.99 (257 votes)
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YouTube ratings: 4.97 (241 vote)
YouTube views: 4458 times

Comments (37)
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[madaraxD]   User profile  Video channel
  10.08.2012 14:09
Yo! thanks for the comments!, also if anyone know the results of the IC are out, we got First Place overal and Best Romance/Drama
Bill Ein   User profile
  10.08.2012 13:40
Не, ну, клип то хороший и не для оценочной точно, но вот затёртые до дыр исходники - это, конечно, жирный минус, особенно после Faraway и #10, но я таки проголосую "ЗА"
xDieguitoAMV   User profile  Video channel
  10.08.2012 13:36
totaly love it
Dm1try[A]   User profile
  10.08.2012 13:11
не могу сказать что мне прям уж сильно понравилось, но, все-таки, работа более чем приятная. 4 и за.
Daniskin   User profile
  10.08.2012 12:36
отлично 5 thanks
Kyros   User profile
  10.08.2012 11:40
Good Work
it's not perfect but it lets you watch
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  10.08.2012 10:44
Simply amazing

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