Pat: This AMV really gave me a lot of work for me and for my old Pentium IV XD, each 8/10 attempts to mask my Sony gave error and closed kkkkk But in the end I really loved this AMV, rewarded each effort (and rage) I spent editing. I also thought it would not have time to deliver, because until yesterday (25/02) had not yet straightened it all o.O
My Pro Shinzo really helped me a lot, he's really good, he let me do my idea, but then he was polishing my work, with comments and tips ^ ^, and also think that forcing someone to do certain idea would be not so good; so I loved it. But Shinzo always been a "Pro" for me, since we met, but this latest project he really worked very hard ^ ^ (including this morning xD)
Shinzo: Pat has always surprised me in each of her projects, but that it really overcome, the idea of her was very original and all I had to do was help her carry it out the best way possible, she was never lazy, always tried to improve - it always asks opinion on everything and happily accepts the critics, I really liked the result, and I hope you also like too ^ ^
Аниме: Chaos;Head, School Days, Code Geass, Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works, Toaru Majutsu no Index II
Музыка: A Perfect Circle - The Outsider (Renholder Apocalypse Mix)

Но вообще есть интересные моменты, особо понравились моменты когда у ГГ случаются видения убийств
У постера цвета клёвые но композиция гавно, потому в целом треш.
З.ы. Лол, только сейчас обратил внимание на этот знатный фейл на постере )
старание видно, но вот работы Про не видно.
And what the hell gilgamesh and ilia doing in hospital? - this scene looks too weird.
постер фейл
Автор, молодец!
Или я невнимательно смотрел или хз но не видил тута
Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works
Думаю, где я этот трек слышал.
По клипу б/о. Из плюсов отмечу, наверное, только подходящее м/в. Остальное - сумбур.