Mystyk: Lots of thanks for my pro, Kain-x-Spirits, who taught me some effects, and everything else he helped in! This is a simple video, I only showed 2 girls from the show, and this video supposed to show the cute side of love. I know this could have been better, I should have put more time into it, but whatever. I hope you like this better than my entry last year.
Kain-x-Spirits: I didn't had much time at the beginning to help her, and she also didn't have much time to edit. So, it ended up by being a pretty raw video.
I made her correct a lot of little things for her video have a better flow, that's still not perfect, but it's far better than what we've seen at first. I hope she will stop to do some certain thing now :p
In the end, i'm pretty proud of her work, even if it's not the most awesome romance AMV. It was fun to do this work with her, and we really spend great times doing this.
Аниме: Amagami SS
Музыка: Muse - Can't take my eyes off you

Awesome though, I think this was good - wasn't a total fan of the box effects that came along but otherwise - nice!
such a helpful least give a reason ^^"
If I wanted to make this AMV a full story, I would have to make one girl sad, but this AMV supposed to be cute and happy I guess, so it just showes the same guy, with 2 different girls, 2 different small stories.
Vivern Def:
I think the noise suits that kind of strange noise, but it's true that it should be more colorful.
S.A. Robert: Thank You!
Thanks for your opinions everyone!
В некоторых местах аж в краску вгонял.
Всё понравилось, за исключением , пожалуй, титров.
Вот вопрос: автор вклинил в историю двух девушек или только одну, но с разными прическами?
Глаза то разные^^
И м/в хорошее подобрано, понравилось =)
Почему то плохо держит внимание.
музыка нраица, исходник нраица (хороший гаремник, правда), использованные приёмы для выбранного жанра не очень подходят
так с кем мальчик то остался в итоге? или это задумка автора - как хотите так и думайте?))) обе хороши - это понятно)
Задумки с фифектами, (в том числе синхра через частое моргание), интересны, но толи недоделанны, толи переделанны, в общем не очень смотрятся.
Надо сказать уже к самому концу захотелось посмотреть анимеху.