AMV - Videos


Madoka Magica - Fast Lane ( )

This is my latest AMV. I tried to incorporate everything that I have learned so far editing wise into this AMV. I tried to do a lot of subtle effect that someone who is not very familiar with the source material might not even notice. Effects that appear part of the actual anime. I also tried to convey and highlight the sort of bi-polar, happy-sad, mood of the anime.

Картинка Making Of (~3.62 MB)

Аниме: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Films
Музыка: NIVIRO ft. PollyAnna - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Madoka Magica - Fast Lane

Author vkamv
Creation date 23.11.2018
Version 0

vkamv | 01.12.2018 23:42