AMV - Клипы


Little Creepy Wonders ( )

Комментарий автора: My round 2 AMV Roulette vid, had to do a Drama/Sentimental using Electronic Music, featuring at least 10 seconds of a dragons...there's so many great 'electronic' songs out there I could've used but I've wanted to use this song with something for quite a while. It makes me feel some sort of way.. and LWA fit adorably well.. a pretty simple vid made in about 5 days

Аниме: Little Witch Academia, Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade
Музыка: Kerli - Walking On Air

Little Creepy Wonders

Little Creepy Wonders

Little Creepy Wonders

Little Creepy Wonders

Little Creepy Wonders

Little Creepy Wonders

Little Creepy Wonders

Автор клипа UnluckyArtist
Дата создания 02.03.2016
Номер версии 0

HarDKitty | 27.09.2016 21:44