
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
541Play Marvelous31 3.58 2017-05-02
542Play Otaku Paradise151 4.47 2017-05-02
543Play Gatsby191 4.37 2017-05-02
544Play Set the Stage49 3.98 2017-05-02
545Play Wind of Japan35 3.80 2017-05-02
546Play Oops, Eren did it again146 4.29 2017-05-02
547Play Dis Bitch!34 3.59 2017-05-02
548Play Animu Stew179 4.36 2017-05-02
549Play Twilight74 4.14 2017-05-02
550Play Hot Blooded138 4.20 2017-05-02
551Play Phenomenon (Open Your Moe)43 3.76 2017-05-02
552Play Permanent Dream73 4.10 2017-05-02
553Play Space Bound39 3.83 2017-05-02
554Play Beautiful Stranger48 3.98 2017-05-02
555Play Horoboshi Shoku Sequence Aria46 4.15 2017-05-02
556Play All Night121 4.09 2017-05-02
557Play Stand Out38 3.70 2017-05-02
558Play The Fox417 4.58 2017-05-02
559Play Empty Mosaic²: Torn Minds30 3.62 2017-05-02
560Play Molly141 4.32 2017-05-02
561Play Still Alive36 3.72 2017-05-02
562Play Tomorrow75 4.10 2017-05-02
563Play SleepWalkers Dream23 3.65 2017-05-02
564Play MoonFlower112 4.34 2017-05-02
565Play M. The Prequel53 3.75 2017-05-02
566Play My Lucky Strike24 3.50 2017-05-02
567Play Champloo Style18 3.07 2017-05-02
568Play Anime 101212 4.54 2017-05-02
569Play Vessels167 4.35 2017-05-02
570Play The Perils Of Galaxy Bouncing48 3.66 2017-05-02

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