
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
361Play Martyrdom11 3.55 2017-05-02
362Play Infinite Gate31 3.95 2017-05-02
363Play [Shigatsu] Happy When (Ver.Revised)68 4.24 2017-05-02
364Play Gloria Fortis Miles40 3.86 2017-05-02
365Play Magical Light26 3.76 2017-05-02
366Play Into The Lingerie63 3.81 2017-05-02
367Play Numinous186 4.32 2017-05-02
368Play 100% DUDE10 3.28 2017-05-02
369Play WELUVアニメ G I R L S21 3.65 2017-05-02
370Play Cold Silence48 4.11 2017-05-02
371Play Shelter110 4.63 2017-05-02
372Play Umbrella Corp147 4.39 2017-05-02
373Play Babel32 3.87 2017-05-02
374Play Weeaboo Peekaboo120 4.35 2017-05-02
375Play In Digestion37 4.02 2017-05-02
376Play Swing Box64 3.99 2017-05-02
377Play Feldzug M.O.E55 4.13 2017-05-02
378Play Unlimited Waifu Works114 4.10 2017-05-02
379Play Death Reincarnation55 4.12 2017-05-02
380Play Karton299 4.61 2017-05-02
381Play Oh! let's break it down!!!17 3.31 2017-05-02
382Play F.U.B.A.R78 4.25 2017-05-02
383Play The Girl Who Caught Love35 3.98 2017-05-02
384Play Outrun40 3.95 2017-05-02
385Play ENERGIA!53 3.95 2017-05-02
386Play The Witchtrip211 4.41 2017-05-02
387Play Fire show56 4.08 2017-05-02
388Play Pas Mal51 3.87 2017-05-02
389Play Mahoupocalypse43 3.99 2017-05-02
390Play Sans Titre78 4.22 2017-05-02

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