
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
241Play The Slippery Slope13 3.47 2018-12-20
242Play Madoka Magica - Fast Lane4 3.60 2018-12-20
243Play Infrastructure28 3.91 2018-12-20
244Play Hidden Feels13 3.77 2018-12-20
245Play The Greatest Revue12 3.71 2018-12-20
246Play LOST in DIMENSION10 3.64 2018-12-20
247Play La La Land51 4.26 2018-06-16
248Play Survivor27 4.15 2018-06-16
249Play Slow Motion17 3.69 2018-06-16
250Play Limerence24 3.75 2018-06-16
251Play Compliments26 3.79 2018-06-16
252Play Find Your Waifu On Tinder!27 3.82 2018-05-02
253Play Oshiri52 4.01 2018-05-02
254Play Underwear21 3.58 2018-05-02
255Play AMV Hell21 3.42 2018-05-02
256Play Waka Laka (for Osaka)8 3.69 2018-05-02
257Play Sugar, Spice, and Ahh!9 4.03 2018-05-02
258Play All that you can't leave behind268 4.59 2018-04-06
259Play D-I-S-C-O: Starburst114 4.44 2018-04-06
260Play Imagica88 4.19 2018-04-06
261Play 32 Degree Symphony19 3.78 2018-04-06
262Play Pandora493 4.63 2018-04-06
263Play Resonance162 4.38 2018-04-06
264Play Cockaine355 4.55 2018-04-06
265Play Push It21 3.87 2018-03-27
266Play Mounting Dread25 3.96 2018-03-27
267Play Duncan Hills Coffee61 4.29 2018-03-27
268Play Oppa Kenjou Style21 3.48 2018-03-27
269Play Chi & The Not So Company61 4.25 2018-03-25
270Play Fluffy Kittens & Rainbows69 4.27 2018-03-25

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