
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
181Play Shanghai is really fun27 4.32 2019-02-24
182Play Bokura Mada Underground7 3.74 2019-02-24
183Play KMS: Kawaii Metal Symphony16 3.68 2019-02-24
184Play Beautiful Crime13 3.85 2019-02-24
185Play Lay Down7 3.60 2019-02-24
186Play My Lucky Strike8 3.58 2019-02-24
187Play Let's Go Monster!6 3.55 2019-02-24
188Play Our Fate13 3.83 2019-02-24
189Play Cucumber on fire20 4.01 2019-02-24
190Play Ankseram13 3.67 2019-02-24
191Play Bloom4 3.65 2019-02-24
192Play The Real Pokebusters7 4.09 2019-02-24
193Play Happy Little Clouds13 3.81 2019-02-24
194Play Hello91 4.20 2018-12-24
195Play Classic62 4.07 2018-12-24
196Play Secret Santa30 3.65 2018-12-24
197Play D[EVA]STATION18 3.88 2018-12-24
198Play Sour Diesel21 3.95 2018-12-24
199Play Dunces & Dragons23 3.99 2018-12-24
200Play Goodbye Mr. Despair47 4.15 2018-12-24
201Play Can't Hold Us35 4.20 2018-12-22
202Play MY200797 4.32 2018-12-20
203Play Fullmetal Dingus Energy10 3.51 2018-12-20
204Play Pillow Warfare10 3.57 2018-12-20
205Play Magic of Eternity11 3.76 2018-12-20
206Play Kyūketsuki9 3.60 2018-12-20
207Play Dango Dango Literature Club3 3.62 2018-12-20
208Play Remenissions9 3.59 2018-12-20
209Play 3:337 3.33 2018-12-20
210Play My Last Symphony32 4.02 2018-12-20

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