
«Turbo» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 151

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
91Play Stella113 4.27 2014-05-28
92Play All Night121 4.09 2014-05-06
93Play SHE91 3.99 2014-05-03
94Play Tomorrow75 4.10 2014-04-17
95Play Galaxy Bounce39 4.23 2014-04-08
96Play The Perils Of Galaxy Bouncing48 3.66 2014-03-15
97Play A Piece Of Toast308 4.49 2014-02-16
98Play Fracture309 4.58 2014-02-08
99Play Quiet201 4.37 2014-01-25
100Play Midgard126 4.29 2014-01-08
101Play Pandora493 4.63 2014-01-05
102Play Faceless96 4.13 2014-01-03
103Play Beauty Hides30 3.06 2013-12-14
104Play Keep Your Eyes Open74 4.10 2013-11-29
105Play All Alone85 4.05 2013-11-22
106Play Born to Die121 4.21 2013-10-06
107Play Дневник памяти (Diary of Memory)18 4.04 2013-10-03
108Play Meimoo27 4.06 2013-06-14
109Play Steel Fenders480 4.63 2013-05-18
110Play Moonfall72 4.10 2013-05-09
111Play OK.Dream ver2.086 4.00 2013-05-04
112Play Lonely Day40 4.24 2013-05-02
113Play Passion Clock32 3.78 2013-05-01
114Play Our Lives126 4.34 2013-04-19
115Play Into The Labyrinth870 4.64 2013-03-23
116Play Purity106 4.21 2013-03-02
117Play 001 restored24 3.80 2013-02-23
118Play Jam Sports5 3.69 2013-02-05
119Play Aevum69 3.92 2013-01-01
120Play In Lights of Misery30 3.77 2012-12-09

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