
«Turbo» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 151

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
61Play Extraordinaire27 3.82 2016-09-15
62Play F.U.B.A.R78 4.25 2016-08-30
63Play Bis Zum Schluss24 3.70 2016-08-15
64Play minivandesu~15 3.72 2016-08-11
65Play You Are So Fucked83 4.08 2016-05-19
66Play Origins of a SOLDIER24 4.14 2016-05-03
67Play Dreams & Reality27 3.72 2016-04-26
68Play How Green, How Bright, How Wonder35 3.95 2015-09-27
69Play Skull Curse29 3.54 2015-08-24
70Play Color The World19 3.75 2015-07-12
71Play Imagine119 4.32 2015-06-07
72Play Life40 3.83 2015-04-28
73Play Ho-Kago Teastep176 4.45 2015-04-10
74Play Harem Shake75 3.91 2015-03-17
75Play (This is) TRY HARD !!17 3.71 2015-03-13
76Play Let's Play Ball71 4.30 2015-03-12
77Play Nomura66 4.34 2015-03-08
78Play Semi-Automatic Maiden Mahoro4 3.75 2015-03-01
79Play 【AMV】摆脱一切 (Shake It Off)133 4.29 2015-02-27
80Play Coup de Grace183 4.48 2015-02-14
81Play Moon Powder77 4.09 2014-11-15
82Play ManiacaL84 3.98 2014-10-20
83Play Resonance162 4.38 2014-09-26
84Play The Inner Light34 3.82 2014-09-26
85Play Exordium45 3.82 2014-08-29
86Play Wonderful7 2.94 2014-08-19
87Play Otaku Paradise151 4.47 2014-07-07
88Play You Can Play104 4.16 2014-06-12
89Play RENORY66 3.92 2014-06-07
90Play My precious39 3.93 2014-06-03

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