
«Turbo» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 151

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
31Play Fireflowers9 3.75 2019-05-13
32Play Succubus23 3.89 2019-05-01
33Play Parallel8 3.79 2019-04-25
34Play 202826 4.13 2019-04-23
35Play Red.S17 3.75 2019-03-30
36Play Masters Of Destiny13 3.74 2019-03-26
37Play Awakening17 3.64 2019-02-24
38Play Can't Hold Us35 4.20 2018-12-22
39Play Infrastructure28 3.91 2018-12-04
40Play K/DA - POP/STARS52 4.59 2018-11-08
41Play D[EVA]STATION18 3.88 2018-10-19
42Play Far away from you15 3.66 2018-10-01
43Play Stars Shine Down22 3.95 2018-08-06
44Play Cyberpunk17 3.95 2018-07-24
45Play MY200797 4.32 2018-05-22
46Play Psychedelic Limbo60 4.23 2018-04-19
47Play H.A.N.A.16 3.82 2018-03-29
48Play A Moment Apart15 3.54 2018-01-30
49Play Overtime10 3.66 2017-11-30
50Play Bloodline2 2.96 2017-11-30
51Play Incandescent Uprising29 3.74 2017-09-08
52Play La bastille [Bungou Stray Dogs]62 4.14 2017-06-13
53Play AFFECTION49 4.07 2017-05-13
54Play The Mark on the Wall3 3.40 2017-05-13
55Play Sunlight208 4.58 2017-05-13
56Play Quiet77 4.09 2017-05-13
57Play Красная Селёдка115 4.50 2016-11-08
58Play Umbrella Corp147 4.39 2016-10-19
59Play Weeaboo Peekaboo120 4.35 2016-10-09
60Play Unlimited Waifu Works114 4.10 2016-09-18

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