
«Turbo» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 151

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
121Play Thorns and Roses28 3.83 2012-12-06
122Play Paradise Circle123 4.04 2012-11-27
123Play Twilight20 4.01 2012-11-04
124Play Betamax Cascade12 4.09 2012-10-13
125Play Tic Tac12 4.15 2012-10-13
126Play SCATMAN66 4.27 2012-08-27
127Play Flugeldar59 4.01 2012-08-26
128Play Ballad of the Nice Guy287 4.58 2012-08-03
129Play SubtEXt55 3.92 2012-08-02
130Play Quantum Ripples250 4.45 2012-07-09
131Play PaperHeart383 4.71 2012-06-17
132Play D•REZZED88 4.21 2012-06-10
133Play True Face91 4.03 2012-06-08
134Play Magic Eye276 4.46 2012-05-27
135Play RipTuck37 3.91 2012-05-21
136Play Still Alive50 4.03 2012-04-25
137Play Under ! Where ?404 4.58 2012-04-18
138Play Новый Клип256 4.48 2012-04-05
139Play M.A.tsuri252 4.52 2012-04-03
140Play The shatters of reflection236 4.52 2012-03-23
141Play Sleepwalker49 4.14 2012-03-20
142Play Just Dance23 4.00 2012-03-07
143Play Illusions13 3.51 2012-02-05
144Play This is MOE!107 4.38 2011-12-14
145Play Eureka Seven - Sunlight40 4.33 2011-11-11
146Play DouBle Blow HloRki118 4.29 2011-10-28
147Play Magic Pad233 4.53 2011-10-24
148Play Ian Fleming's Property of a Lady132 4.51 2011-10-18
149Play Bad Apple!330 4.67 2011-10-14
150Play The Conspiracy of Law74 4.39 2011-10-14

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