
«vivan» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 34

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Into The Labyrinth870 4.64 2013-04-30
2Play Chu Chu Lovely Hinamizawa70 4.37 2011-10-18
3Play Yeah!131 4.44 2011-10-18
4Play SAW12 4.06 2011-10-14
5Play Radical Sequence13 3.62 2011-10-14
6Play Draw With Me376 4.74 2011-10-14
7Play Bad Apple!330 4.67 2011-10-14
8Play JAGDMEISTER48 4.07 2011-10-14
9Play The TV Show94 4.51 2011-10-14
10Play No Action234 4.49 2011-10-14
11Play Noize133 4.40 2011-10-14
12Play Ru.Comix 2293 4.60 2011-10-14
13Play Clarissa252 4.54 2011-10-14
14Play Ru.Comix311 4.63 2011-10-14
15Play Pure Thrust134 4.48 2011-10-14
16Play My Bitches624 4.66 2011-10-14
17Play ty logika 2253 4.59 2011-10-14
18Play Гарри Поттер и Отаку в Хогвартсе83 4.48 2011-10-14
19Play LFG Kishin186 4.51 2011-10-14
20Play Across Memories to AKROSS CON45 4.40 2011-10-14
21Play Running Man245 4.56 2011-10-14
22Play Engel (Remastered)345 4.60 2011-10-14
23Play Yakitate129 4.44 2011-10-14
24Play De:Light281 4.55 2011-10-14
25Play Gimme More194 4.52 2011-10-14
26Play Revenge?31 4.26 2011-10-14
27Play Consecutive MEP57 4.20 2011-10-14
28Play Gloomy Detective34 4.37 2011-10-14
29Play Bustled Up29 4.02 2011-10-14
30Play Always Hardcore77 4.31 2011-10-14

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