
«Chono» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 79

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
1Play Пепел151 4.40 2023-09-19
2Play Hakase - Jazz Genius15 4.05 2020-07-16
3Play Bitter Almonds26 4.30 2020-05-14
4Play Sleepless34 4.15 2020-01-03
5Play Kuma - Sutra18 3.94 2019-08-27
6Play Cut Deeper7 3.58 2019-05-24
7Play Malevolent Skies29 4.13 2019-02-21
8Play Sullen18 4.13 2018-07-12
9Play Feel the Mambo390 4.63 2018-07-12
10Play This Is Halloween379 4.61 2018-07-12
11Play Slider (HQ)30 4.24 2018-07-11
12Play Obsession9 3.97 2018-04-12
13Play Falaris43 4.08 2018-04-02
14Play Gone Girl7 3.22 2017-11-11
15Play Out of the time28 3.93 2017-07-24
16Play FOREVER17 3.72 2017-05-28
17Play Muted21 4.04 2017-05-04
18Play Charlotte43 4.23 2017-05-01
19Play Silkworm Song116 4.25 2016-05-02
20Play Faraway9 3.97 2015-06-08
21Play Meteor Tower31 4.26 2015-02-08
22Play So Easily10 3.99 2014-12-25
23Play Tangential55 4.01 2014-12-03
24Play ME!ME!ME!553 4.70 2014-11-25
25Play Animegraphy 2014215 4.46 2014-11-12
26Play Steps...21 4.21 2014-02-27
27Play In Another Life When we are Both Lived in Schrodinger Box152 4.34 2013-05-27
28Play Steel Fenders480 4.63 2013-05-18
29Play Curse of blood moon41 4.13 2013-03-04
30Play Fluffy Kittens & Rainbows69 4.27 2013-02-21

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