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Even though it is the end of the world ( )

Ref: 「うたかたの日々」 - ぐんま/GUNMA (niconico: sm30996547)
link to English translation of the lyrics:
The story is entirely adapted from the visual novel "WORLD END ECONOMiCA" (WEE). I think this is a good novel and encourage you to know more about it despite its price on steam ($35 for the entire series, sometimes being cut to $12).
The story occurs 16 years after people colonizing the moon, and in generally it's a story about a businessman who finally becoming the Hero of the moon, blablablablablabla.

It is hard to summarize the entire story of episode 1-3 within 3 minutes. One reason is that this is just a series of complicate stories, not really technical, but very emotional and deep... However, if you want to know the story, why not just reading the visual novel after watching this AMV/MAD? Thus, overall I would say this MAD is rather a trailer or troll taking the oppurtunity to show up during the BIG CON 2018. I do spoil a lot, but this will not effect your pleasure while reading that. As I said, there is much more content to be presented in the novel.

Музыка: 「カーストルーム」 - ZAQ.

Even though it is the end of the world

Even though it is the end of the world

Even though it is the end of the world

Even though it is the end of the world

Even though it is the end of the world

Author FaustK
Creation date 28.02.2018
Version 0

FaustK | 18.04.2018 09:56