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Redemption ( )

Комментарий автора: 二战期间,大量犹太人为了逃离德国纳粹的种族清洗计划而纷纷逃往上海。 1942年7月,德国华沙地区指挥官,绰号“华沙屠夫”的约瑟夫·艾伯特·梅辛格上校前往上海,目的是为说服日本人在犹太人问题采用纳粹的政策,彻底解决“犹太人问题”一时间上海犹太人聚居区流言四起,而这个故事则改编于这些流言。

During World War II, a large number of Jews tried to escape the German Nazi ethnic cleansing program by fleeing to Shanghai. July 1942, the German Warsaw Regional Commander, Colonel Joseph Albert Meissel, nicknamed "Warsaw Butcher" went to Shanghai, his purpose is to persuade the Japanese to infuse the Nazis influence in the Jewish policy, and completely solve the "Jewish question". This story is an adaptation of these rumors.

Аниме: Fate/Zero, Hyouka, BLAME
Музыка: Syml - The War

The List of Jews 犹太人的名单

The List of Jews 犹太人的名单

The List of Jews 犹太人的名单

The List of Jews 犹太人的名单

The List of Jews 犹太人的名单

Author oracionleo
Page of AMV
Creation date 09.08.2017
Version 0

Bili Porter | 18.08.2017 13:22