AMV - Videos

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Become You (������ ��� ������)

I immaginated this as both a sort of continue for the series and as a summary for it. Kosei is performing his most important competition and his nightmares are overwhelming him, time is running faster, but he is playing the piano nervously and angry.....when something changes....those nightmares become dreams, he started to think that Kaori is close to him and she's playing with him, and now all he want is play his piano for her, for ever

Аниме: Your name, Your Lie in April
Музыка: Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire

Become You

Become You

Become You

Become You

Become You

Become You

Author Kroner -AMV-
Creation date 18.02.2017
Version 0

Kroner -AMV- | 24.02.2017 23:55