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Speak Out! (������ ��� ������)

Yo to everybody :D After I saw Ikuzze's edit from IC IOT and listened the song I wanted to edit it so badly and i started immediately as could xD. It took me 5 days tho T_T I tried to take the best looking scenes I could and to create an atmosphere . The last minute fucked my brain T_T .

Аниме: Bleach, Fairy Tail, Shingeki no Bahamut, Blood Lad, Tales of ZestiriaXilliaXillia 2Berseria , Devil May Cry , Drifters, Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works , Fate Zero , Tokyo ESP, Kara no Kyoukai , Darker Than Black, Soul Eater
Музыка: Crown The Empire - Zero

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

[Liar AMV] Speak Out !

Author Liar
Creation date 03.08.2016
Version 0

DeyKira | 12.09.2016 08:42