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Dark Colossus (������ ��� ������)

The first time I heard this song (I'ver never played NieR) it reminded me of Escaflowne so I decided to make an AMV and learn how to use Premiere along with AE (just a little bit). Use headphones and I hope you enjoy it!

Аниме: Escaflowne - The Movie (2000)
Музыка: Keiichi Okabe - The Dark Colossus Destroys All (NieR Gestalt & Replicant Original Soundtrack)

Dark Colossus

Dark Colossus

Dark Colossus

Dark Colossus

Dark Colossus

Author Hamasaki
Creation date 09.08.2016
Version 0

Hamasaki | 14.08.2016 10:57