AMV - Videos


Magnetic Satellite ( )

Комментарий автора: "Elements and Emotions"
I chose AIR as my element for this round. From the translator's notes this song is about how love is comparable to gravitational force. Love is everywhere on the earth just like air is. This song gives me a bit more confidence since it's very ambitious to accomplish goals. The girl in this music video shows that she wants to tell her feelings to her crush and she won't give up until she does. Love can be very powerful just like air can be to all of us. Without them both we wouldn't be who we are today (we would be dead without air though haha).

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: tilt six - ヒカレルサテライト (Magnetic Satellite)

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite

Author mozuya
Page of AMV
Creation date 24.03.2013
Version 0

DiviNe | 05.07.2016 16:14