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You Think I Still Want You (������ ��� ������)

Heyyy :D Finally it's done; worked on it for around a week, probably could have finished earlier if there weren't school (-.-) But who cares, here it is now ^o^ I wanted to edit something more fun and upbeat; pretty much my first time editing this AMV genre, so it was refreshing to do something new :D - iCryptix HD

Аниме: Denpa Onna, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Oreimo I, Toradora, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Sword Art Online II, Mayo Chiki, Golden Time, Hayore! Nyaruko san, Mangaka-san to Assistant, Nisekoi, Toaru Majutsu no Index II
Музыка: SR-71 - Mosquito

You Think I Still Want You

You Think I Still Want You

You Think I Still Want You

You Think I Still Want You

You Think I Still Want You

Author iCryptix HD
Creation date 27.10.2015
Version 0

DiviNe | 28.10.2015 16:20