AMV - Videos


Another Destination ( )

Комментарий автора: When I first saw the anime series "Another", the first thing that came to my mind was the movie "Final Destination". And once the series ended, I knew that I had just the right scenes to pull this idea off. Completing this video on April Fools day a only half intentional though. I didn't even remember April Fools day until I was almost completely finished with the video. Anyway, this is my second attempt at a trailer, so I hope you all enjoy. I still have so many trailer ideas planned out :-)

Аниме: Another
Музыка: Final Destination 5 - Movie Trailer 1, 2

Another Destination

Another Destination

Another Destination

Another Destination

Another Destination

Author Kireblue
Creation date 01.04.2012

Minstrel | 04.08.2012 14:11