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Gay Means Happy (������ ��� ������)

Комментарий автора: Exaclubir is a Soul Eater character that really gets no love. Not without reason, mind you, as he really is incredibly annoying, but if you look beyond that he's just a funny little guy who loves to dance. I just had to make an AMV about him and here's the effect. Enjoy.

Аниме: Soul Eater, Panty & Stocking with Gartarbelt
Музыка: South Park Movie OST - I'm Super, Bodyrockers - I Like the Way
Награды: Лучший клип в жанре Comedy / Fun на конкурсе AMVNews: Big Contest 2011

Gay Means Happy

Gay Means Happy

Gay Means Happy

Gay Means Happy

Gay Means Happy

Gay Means Happy


Author Kosmit
Creation date 05.04.2011

Kosmit | 13.04.2011 19:48