AMV - Videos

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На краю - Фантазия (������ ��� ������)

Hi everybody, here we are with another MEP with my friends, here we used a Russian song by Elena Minina and we chose to edit Fantasy anime (we kinda moved from gothic fantasy to urban fantasy and classic fantasy). We tried to match the lyrics, hopefully it went out good, I like the overall outcome of this video, I hope you’ll enjoy it :’] thanks for your time.

Аниме: Le Portrait de Petit Cossette, Fate Stay Night, Black Clover, The Seven Deadly Sins, Fairy Tail, Magi
Музыка: Джоконда (Елена Минина) - На краю

На краю - Фантазия

На краю - Фантазия

На краю - Фантазия

На краю - Фантазия

На краю - Фантазия

Author TakeshiAMV, xyuniix, Danny Amv, Violent Blue, Kuroo
Creation date 15.05.2023
Version 0

TakeshiAMV | 26.05.2023 09:10