AMV - Videos


It Was Lloyd ( )

We celebrate ToS 20th anniversary using friendship theme. Me (Don Nguyễn) and my sister (Ngọc Xuyên Vy) enjoy playing this together a long time ago, so we create something with it. ^-^

Video source:

- Tales of Symphonia [Game] (2003)
- Tales of Symphonia: The Animation (2007-2012)

Аниме: Tales of Symphonia
Музыка: Ashley Ballard ft. So Plush - It Was You [Pokémon: The First Movie Soundtrack] (1999)

It Was Lloyd

It Was Lloyd

It Was Lloyd

It Was Lloyd

It Was Lloyd

Author Ngọc Xuyên Vy, Don Nguyễn
Creation date 07.04.2023
Version 0

Vajra | 24.04.2023 16:25