AMV - Клипы


Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep] ( )

Hi Guys!! New Project
The idea of ​​the project started in this chaotic year of the Covid-19 pandemic, where we felt the need to express ourselves and give a little color to such a complex moment in humanity. Although chaotic, we used this time to gather our old / new dream team to return to the world of AMVS. The idea of ​​carrying out this project was to mix scenes from futuristic cities with a multi-anime retrowave theme, combining with the idea of ​​a chaotic yet artistic present / future. Even though we are not 100% we delivered a result that made us happy and we hope that the public likes it!

- Track 01 - Criss
- Track 02 - Shinzo
- Track 03 - Strat
- Track 04 - Spike
- Track 05 - DSK
- Track 06 - Scofield
- Track 07 - ZLC
- Track 08 - STJames
- Track 09 - MDL

- Basic Element - i'll never let you know

- Spector - The Planet of Freestyle

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: Basic Element - I'll never let you know

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Connection Break [2020 The Retrowave Mep]

Автор клипа Shinzo, Scofield, Strat, MagicDarkLight, St James, ZLC, Spike, Chris G, G4nzo
Страничка клипа
Дата создания 31.10.2020
Номер версии 0

Shinzo | 02.11.2020 20:52