
Последние комментарии Zebiru

31) Calamity Gift Zebiru | (2 | 1) | 28.11.2016 18:42
Not bad, but it lacks enjoyment. 3/5

32) Cheese Nacho Baby Zebiru | (1 | 0) | 28.11.2016 01:50
gimme some doritos plis @leolide-senpai, 5/5

33) Leave it to Fate Zebiru | (2 | 1) | 28.11.2016 00:59
Yay, another average effects action rock amv. nice try m8 1/5

34) Heroic Strike Zebiru | (2 | 1) | 25.11.2016 02:17
Average effects and transitions but it offers what many amvs nowadays don't rly offer, enjoyment. Although this is mainstream I rate ur amv 4/5. Keep the good work

35) Numinous Zebiru | (2 | 1) | 23.11.2016 19:02
Probably u will be the Akross Winner this year

36) The Fall: Friends Forever Zebiru | (4 | 11) | 23.11.2016 00:15
nice meme, 1/5

37) Leopolda Zebiru | (4 | 3) | 22.11.2016 00:50

38) Into The Lingerie Zebiru | (3 | 1) | 19.11.2016 18:16
Coudn't hold my boner watching this. 11/10

39) Numinous Zebiru | (2 | 4) | 18.11.2016 02:28
Another masterpiece, keep it up bro

40) WELUVアニメ G I R L S Zebiru | (1 | 1) | 12.11.2016 01:36
I'm gonna punish u cuz of this

41) Красная Селёдка Zebiru | (1 | 1) | 09.11.2016 06:43
Plis dont

42) Karton Zebiru | (2 | 2) | 19.09.2016 03:01
2 perfect 4 my eyes

43) Flying Heaven Zebiru | (0 | 0) | 19.07.2016 06:24
Nice crossover there m8, one of best amvs of this year so far. 10/10 would watch it again.

44) My Type Zebiru | (2 | 0) | 27.06.2016 16:46
Good Meme

45) Wheapon Zebiru | (2 | 11) | 12.06.2016 05:41
I fell asleep in the middle, boring music, boring colors, boring amv.

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