
Последние комментарии RiceAMV

46) Revolution RiceAMV | (9 | 4) | 16.01.2014 06:19
Мai написал(а):

don't get me wrong, i didn't actually give you a 1.
But the fact that russian editors rate something really high because it's in their own language or something and they can understand it better. Is very dumb, I've seen a bunch of good edits by other people which could not be interpreted lyrically and were given low ratings. Subjugated ratings like that are stupid and unbecoming. Actually gave you a 3, for lack there of understanding Russian. Have a good day.

47) Revolution RiceAMV | (5 | 9) | 16.01.2014 04:49
MIBIHA написал(а):
RiceAMV, PRO? Ok, go home

Please, bring your army of your little Russian infidels who rate average and shitty videos as being the best. I'll find a suitable grave for you.


With an average rating of 3. Your opinion has been discarded into the recycle bin, then emptied because it took up too much space.

48) Revolution RiceAMV | (6 | 16) | 16.01.2014 04:21

49) Paradox RiceAMV | (2 | 3) | 15.01.2014 05:45
JazzsVids написал(а):
Not one of my favorites in akross this year. The technical work is good, but I did not find this video entertaining. I don't think the music selection was a good fit.

Yeahh, agreed! I'm really getting tired of these "Making Of" for changes that are already evident visually. It just seems pointless. Oh wow you did some color correction and masking ... cool... so did everyone else.

to even further expand this, these aren't even literally "making ofs", just a terrible mis-interpretation of English. These are literally before and after scenes with the base scene! I think they should be renamed.

50) Paradox RiceAMV | (0 | 1) | 14.01.2014 20:48
lol the making of

51) Faceless RiceAMV | (2 | 2) | 10.01.2014 07:13
DAlex написал(а):
По клипу видно, что это не просто нарезка, а именно история... но, о чем она, так и не ясно. Даже с учетом просмотра исходника и подсказки комментатора ниже посыл совсем не очевиден.
На данный тайтл существует имхо только один достойный клип - Demons, здесь его к сожалению нет.

your lack and understanding of english and lyrical sync with the video you posted made my day. Thank you for your highly in-depth and valuable criticism.

52) Faceless RiceAMV | (1 | 1) | 07.01.2014 18:36
There is a concept and story, unfortunately i had difficulty in portraying it without the viewer first watching the anime, which was of course, my downfall aha. and even more difficult if you can't read english :o

53) Faceless RiceAMV | (1 | 1) | 05.01.2014 19:22
Thanks for the comments!

54) Pandora RiceAMV | (0 | 1) | 05.01.2014 19:19
i already told you op amv and op banding, 4.99999999999999999999999999999

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