
Last comments MatthewRoy

91) Monarch MatthewRoy | (2 | 1) | 27.05.2014 21:10
Maybe that's just me but I think it could have been better without the "I had a weird dream" ending. You can't feel any connection between the guy and the three minutes of things we saw before that anyway..

Might as well keep it as a weird experience for the viewer till the end without breaking with an explanation that imho makes little sense

I really liked what came before that tho :)

92) Black and White MatthewRoy | (2 | 0) | 27.05.2014 21:03
I liked this one, the song in particular
I don't understand a word, but I searched for the english lyrics and it seems fitting with what it's going on

No flashy effects, but it didn't feel like they were needed

93) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 27.05.2014 20:51
Lady_MooN wrote:

maybe you're right, but you could use some effects at the fast beats.

Ok, I see what you mean. Thanks for the tip
honestly I don't see how prodigy or electronic music fit with the source

Imho for the best video with this source there is just Louder than words, didn't see any video nearly as good as that one

94) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 26.05.2014 20:03
TritioAFB, you are just super awesome XD
Thank you for the review, it's really helpful :)

95) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 26.05.2014 19:43
Lady_MooN wrote:
oh I know this song hah. Well..it's quite good but after 1:35 there is no a synchronization. Music has a very good and fast beats but video is too slow

I'm also more happy with syncing in the first part of the video than the second one. From 1:30 onwards there are at least 2-3 moments where I could have done it better, but what's done it's done I guess

As for the being too slow part, I see what you mean but at some point when I tried to fully follow all the beats of the song I got the feeling that it was going too fast and people would have had problems catching up with what was happening. Which is quite important because there is a story, nothing complicated but still, and some chained events to follow

96) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 26.05.2014 19:30
IrenSS wrote:
Hey~ Good job! I liked the music you chose for this work and your sync and storyline were rather good and made the vid interesting to watch. But sometimes you changed the scenes too rapidly and thus in the end I felt a bit tired, like if my brain was overstuffed with something. Aslo, to be honest, I didn't like the silence somewhere in the beginning of the vid, because it was a bit distracting and caused to lose the sense of the atmosphere. Of course, the vid is not splendid or super original, but it's not awful either. Next time you use such anime try to put something individual into your work, so that it could stay in people'a memories ;)

Anyways, well done and good luck to you ^^

Thanks for the feedback :)

97) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (1 | 0) | 26.05.2014 05:30
TritioAFB wrote:
People say you dont have to use mainstream. They are forgetting something very important though: If the case is, making an original video featuring that source as your main, do it .... unless the video is not far different from the average clip.

As long as your material is anime-oriented, is ok. If you feel you want to make it, go for it, even if we dislike it. At the end, this is just a hobby

I agree with you. I understand when people are sick of a source that has been overused like titan. I'm ok with it and I kinda knew it was going to happen XD

I'm just asking for some feedback on the video itself if people can get over the fact that it has titans in it.. from those that didn't like it in particular. It's a good chance for me to understand what didn't work, if my syncing was good or bad.. I'm learning and any opinion from people that watch a lot of amvs is useful

98) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (0 | 1) | 25.05.2014 22:07
Эль-тян wrote:
Ничего интересного, и эта симфоническая пафосная муза уже в печёнках сидит, нифига под неё не вдохновляется и не воодушевляется уже, советую автору использовать менне пресловутые музыкальные композиции.

Any chance that you could write this in english?
I'd actually enjoy other people opinions even if it's negative ones.. but it's useless if I can't understand you

Sandra_Da_Vinci wrote:
Автор, ты просто оригинален! Ведь до тебя еще никто не пересказывал сюжет титанов под пафосную музыку! Делай есчо!

Well, I get what you are saying from google translating.. but I said it myself in the description that with this source it wasn't going to be the most original video ever.. I fully understand that :)

99) Titanomachy MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 25.05.2014 21:02
ThalesEditions wrote:
Average. Synchronism is out and lost.

Sad to read that :(
Can you point out the sequences where the sync was off? Just so that I can understand what I did wrong

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