
Last comments Leegf

211) Summer of 2071 Leegf | (0 | 3) | 04.08.2014 21:03
EnIgMoZz2, Blessed Enigmo-san u're formidable as always. But try to be more gently with these mortals. They can easily die cuz of ur divine aura. They're not accustomed to such incredible power.
P.S. Trully yours fan.

212) Neosphere Leegf | (0 | 0) | 03.08.2014 12:49
Почему 15 fps?

213) -MGD- Leegf | (0 | 0) | 26.04.2013 17:27
Клип на: сайте автора | AKROSS

Ссылки ведут не туда

214) -MGD- Leegf | (3 | 1) | 26.04.2013 11:01
2-й скриншот

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