
Last comments Kroner -AMV-

76) Shade of Winter Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 21.08.2019 19:35

77) Fate/Stay Night 2015 Stop Motion- Saber vs Archer Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 29.07.2019 22:53

78) Moment of Truth Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 23.07.2019 23:42
You are on the right path but unfortunately it's still not enough for me, it's a solid 3 and I think you have good potential, we'll see ^^
good luck for future projects

79) The Game Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 18.07.2019 14:48
thx for your feedbacks guys ,
I actually agree a lot on the lip syncs, I'm trying to figure out how could I thought they were ok since now, I'll go hide now, sorry

80) Toxic Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 14.07.2019 01:00
5+ favs and you already know the rest!

81) Dance Like Its Your Life Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 12.07.2019 11:08
This video is weird! Dunno if is in a positive way or not, but it's wierd....and I'm really confused now!

82) Legacy Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 07.07.2019 23:21
That's the type of vid where I think we can debate the whole day about what's wrong and what's right, forgetting that the huge amount of work behind really brought us something particular and interesting. Even if it's not my type of vid I think that the whole thing and the efforts are, alone, enough to give a 5. Personally I liked more the first part where the VR concept was more visible and the run around the city add something really cool on that aspect. As I said I won't talk about issues here because I understand how much difficult is to integrate animes into and IRL background and I don't want to spend time talking about what miss here, because this vid has a lot of thing and talking about what's missing is irrilevant in front of such a complex work, so a big GG AND GRATZ

83) Oblio Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 1) | 08.06.2019 13:21

84) Run Boy Run Kroner -AMV- | (3 | 4) | 07.06.2019 01:11
well, he surely ran a lot!

even if the song is really overused I found this interpretation really solid and it didn't annoy me at all, thx for that. The vid is good, but since I'm an asshole I must say it: "it's a bit repetitive, in the end...he really just ran for 3.33 mins xD. Good job, 4 and a big yes for the home

85) TROUBLE Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 04.06.2019 10:10
Pretty easy to guess but still congratulations, deserved

86) Umi no Yuurei Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 30.05.2019 16:33
This anime looks amazing!!

87) Anime World Cup Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 4) | 26.05.2019 22:59
So this vid lost 0.14 in 7 votes, nice!

88) Wrong Dreams Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 26.05.2019 10:43
your rank sounds like a joke actually, you deserved higher!

89) Unrest Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 22.05.2019 00:41
me no understand why u didn't reach finals
me surprised dis vid was gud

90) Wrong Dreams Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 15.05.2019 23:52
You already know mine, really a nice step up from your last vid and overall a solid vid despite something you already know. Keep on on this road and your ideas will become great videos

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