
Последние комментарии Kroner -AMV-

61) A Drop Of Happines Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 09.10.2019 01:26
Encruzio написал(а):
Cute . A relationship between father and Daughter . I think you could make this moment 1:24 even more rosy or cheerfully. Even so it looks better. Thanks for the cuteness story . And sorry for my bad english i tried my best my friend. i hope you will understand what i wanted to tell you.

Thx a lot dude, I really appreciate the effort, your English wasn’t bad and mine isn’t something I’m proud of, but I really appreciate that you spent your time to comment in english.

Thx to everyone else btw, I’m happy when I can successfully share an emotion.

62) A Drop Of Happines Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 08.10.2019 13:56
S.A. Robert написал(а):

He said it was scary :D

oh well, I was afraid it was a compliment, thx god mwdeus is still himself

63) A Drop Of Happines Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 08.10.2019 11:38
the beautiful poster was done by Riku'

mwDeus написал(а):

google couldn't help me understand your comment sorry, can you please say it in english?

64) Hero-owos Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 05.10.2019 12:00
Zebiru написал(а):

You don't get the point, kaka~

I thought I didn’t actually, I prayed I didn’t, but when I realized that the issue was only anime: overwatch and not source: overwatch I became more

65) Hero-owos Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 1) | 02.10.2019 13:35
Zebiru написал(а):

Even if "Category" is "Other" Overwatch still isn't an anime

Other means, obviously...other than anime

66) A second life Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 1) | 01.10.2019 19:38

67) PUNISH Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 01.10.2019 10:31
MrNosec написал(а):

When they remove the 5000 character limit I'll consider it.

You could still split your comment then

68) PUNISH Kroner -AMV- | (2 | 0) | 29.09.2019 21:05
First part of the vid didn't convince me honestly, both because of the compos and for the theme, the crossover was a bit forced and the fact that was another crossover annoyed me (that's a personal consideration tho), but the second part was a really nice escalation and the scenes were really nice picked and the final fight was really smart made and I enjoyed it for real. GG on your placement dude ;)

Ps: that Matrix dodge scene was really nice xD

69) Annihilation Kroner -AMV- | (3 | 0) | 16.09.2019 09:09
solid action!

70) ParaBellum Kroner -AMV- | (2 | 0) | 10.09.2019 21:28
Death_Kn1ght написал(а):
Дата 1 сентября 1940 , что это за день ? (В Польшу в 1939 вторглись)

I would like to have a smart answer for that but probably when I typed the text I did a mistake and I didn't noticed. Now I want to kill myself.......

71) ParaBellum Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 10.09.2019 13:33
MapleMAD написал(а):
Pain is universal, and so is kindness. It's just as the main theme of Violet Evergarden. It's been awhile since I last saw an AMV that tries and succeeded to portrait war in this manner, and I truly like how this work conveys personal loss through metaphoric and material means.

those are some flattering words and I'm really glad this vid reached you, Thx a lot, I couldn't ask more

72) ParaBellum Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 10.09.2019 12:30
okhostok написал(а):

Ending disappointed, because this AMV ended. )


73) ParaBellum Kroner -AMV- | (1 | 0) | 10.09.2019 12:18
okhostok написал(а):
Это шедевр. Концовка немного разочировал, но такого интерпретацию исходника я не ожидал.

I'm sorry you find the ending disappointing but I can understand it. My purpose was to create a circular ending to connect the beginning with the conclusion in order to show the cyclical nature of war in history and how deep the damages are.

74) ARMAGEDDON Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 28.08.2019 18:13
Crookz написал(а):

Thank you, there is no song cut at 1:57.

well I was pretty sure about that but I guess it's one of that time where you just have to blame authors for that xD

75) ARMAGEDDON Kroner -AMV- | (0 | 0) | 28.08.2019 15:47
except for the eye masks and the song cut at 1.57 it's a good vid with lots of cool moments, sorry for those things tho

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