
Последние комментарии DiGiCyber011

16) NO.1 DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 3) | 15.06.2017 02:47
NicoKun написал(а):
Ahahaha 3.16 LUL
I love this community

even god gave up on it lol

17) NO.1 DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 12.06.2017 06:01
again , is there's no way to make u guys learn to search for something called download link ?? all u care about is just uploading stuff even by converting it from youtube ?? are u serious ?? the edit was hella great & u guys ruined it by doing this , just why .....

18) Just you wait DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 15.05.2017 18:32
there's a lot of passages where u can pass through 'em in better ways , lazy made masks , the impact overall was kinda "okay" , it's all due to being inactive for 2 years i think lol , even if it's good to see u back but i cannot honestly rate it higher than 3

19) Its All About #SWAG DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 14.05.2017 01:28
& the stories with amvnews & the eternity late vids publishing is still ongoing lol

20) I AM BACK DiGiCyber011 | (7 | 1) | 03.05.2017 15:02
idk how u guys feel when u make a cheap copy of a true edit
this is what happens when u become someone who doesn't even know how to use his mind to create his own stuff

21) For You DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 05.04.2017 16:14
i wish if i liked the edit as how much i liked the song ://

22) Never Alone DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 1) | 04.04.2017 19:29
Enigmo написал(а):

Get rid of your avatar, you are not Turbo.

And what are you talking about? Back in 2014-2015, God already did grace you mortals by providing an AMV with so much originality. A very original storyline and VERY VERY VERY original effects. This AMV was like no AMV that came before it. It was the epitome of originality. And its name was No Sympathy

I'm not sure who it was that made No Sympathy. But whoever that lady was, she was a genius at her craft.

23) Desperation DiGiCyber011 | (2 | 0) | 03.04.2017 15:05
fighting scenes with twixtor on a calm part of the song
lost my interest in watching after 25 sec

24) F@CK WITCH ME DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 1) | 24.03.2017 16:20
oh man

25) Revers of the dead DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 20.03.2017 20:22
it was sent in 2010 & published here yesterday
& u guys dare to laugh @ it

26) Yasei DiGiCyber011 | (2 | 1) | 18.03.2017 21:56
i do have a feeling that whoever uploaded this vid did just converted it from yt simply or ...
w8 , he definitely did so XD
RESPECT THE QUALITY ALREADY http://prntscr.com/elkpeu

27) Come Back Down DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 1) | 16.03.2017 14:05
pretty mehish

28) Jigoku No Rakuyo DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 10.03.2017 13:44
IdiAlex, didn't had any anime that could work on it back then xD

29) Jigoku No Rakuyo DiGiCyber011 | (2 | 0) | 09.03.2017 21:57
Lion0608 написал(а):
IdiAlex, Ютуб - это измененное сознание) Бойся, он заранзный)

По клипу. Мне понравилось. Бодрый такой экшончик.
Обидно, конечно, когда потенциал Гинтамы тратят, можно было и другой сорц заюзать, песня -- никакущий альт (да простят меня фанаты этой группы).
Хотя, есл ибыть честной. то больше всего понарвился ЦеКа, хотя он и был темноватым. Кое-где маски очень удачно использовались, чтобы подлить смысла в затухающий смысл экшен-монтажика.

well as for the song usage i find nothing that can possibly work in a good way but this song ( the pack was trash anyways lol ) well , as for the other points i tried to make 'em better but y'know that u can't make ur edit looks less rushed in an IC xD thnx anyways xp

30) Jigoku No Rakuyo DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 1) | 09.03.2017 21:01
IdiAlex, lol

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